Chapter 28

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"We're going too fast! We're going to crash!"

"No, we're not. Just lean when I lean."

Hermione did as George Weasley told her and let him steer them expertly, if a bit recklessly, up and down the snowy hills near the Burrow. They traveled at high speed in a sled powered by magic, narrowly missing the scattered trees along their path, and he was laughing and whooping with glee while she clenched her teeth and squeezed her eyes tightly shut. Only when they finally came to a stop did Hermione give a shaky laugh in relief that the ride was over. She gratefully climbed off the sled and found George grinning at her. She sobered at once.

"Don't tell me you weren't having fun just now," he said.

"You mean when I wasn't fearing for my life? I don't know how I let you guys talk me into doing that." Hermione brushed the snow from her coat and jeans. When she glanced up at him again, George was still looking at her in amusement. "What are you smiling about?"

"Nothing." He shook his head, all innocence. "Nothing at all."

"Okay. It was a little bit fun," she admitted grudgingly. "But there's no way I'm doing it again. It's too dangerous."

"That's fair. At least you gave it a try." He stepped towards her then, and she froze as he raised his hand to her hair. "You had some snow," he said in response to her questioning eyes.

"Oh. Well, thanks," she said awkwardly, thinking of Remus and subtly shifting away from the Weasley.

George's expression turned serious as he gazed at her. "Hermione, have you ever thought—?"

A scream of exhilaration interrupted his question. Hermione turned around just as Ron and Luna came zooming into view on their own sled. They couldn't have appeared at a more welcome time for her. She was nearly certain now that what Ginny had been telling her about George fancying her was right.

When she told her this as they walked apart from the others on their way back to the Burrow, Ginny wasn't surprised to be proven correct. "He asked me earlier, very casually in conversation, if you were dating anybody."

"And what did you tell him?"

"I told him you were sort of involved with someone and asked him why he wanted to know. He just said he was curious and then changed the topic. But I wouldn't put it past him to try to corner you later and ask you out."

Hermione still couldn't fathom why George would be interested in her, but she put off musing that mystery and said to Ginny, "Everything seems great between you and Harry. You seem as in love as ever."

"Yeah, you were right. I was worrying for nothing. He told me these past few months have been really hard for him too, so we just want to make the most of the holidays before I have to go back to school." After plowing their way through the snow a few more feet, Ginny added, "You and Lupin should do the same. Maybe, when he comes later, you can get him on his own and talk." Her eyes gleamed mischievously. "Or maybe do more than talk."


"Just saying. You never know what might happen tonight."

Hermione narrowed her eyes at her friend. "Why do I get the feeling you're up to something?"

"Because you know me too well."

"What are you—?"

"You'll find out soon enough," she replied with an impish grin.

Hermione, Harry, Luna, and the youngest four Weasleys reached the Burrow just as Hagrid was arriving. They all gathered in the living room where a beautifully decorated Christmas tree stood tall and festive in the corner, stockings hung from the mantel above the blazing fire, and garlands of holly joined gold and silver streamers around the room.

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