Chapter 3

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After spending most of the afternoon in the Hospital Wing and speaking at length with Dumbledore about her circumstances, Hermione successfully convinced him she was ready to leave and begin her act as a transfer student. She didn't want to sit around and be idle any longer. She wanted to go to class the next morning and start on some schoolwork.

As always, she viewed school as a welcome distraction from the personal problems she was facing. School was her comfort zone, the place where she could easily find the answers to challenging questions. Life outside of class was more difficult to deal with—especially when one was inexplicably catapulted twenty years back in time—and Hermione was eager for the semblance of normalcy she knew homework would provide her.

It was early evening when Dumbledore introduced her to Professor McGonagall who then took charge of settling her in at Hogwarts. Hermione was delighted to see the younger version of her Transfiguration teacher. Her dark hair was in its usual tight bun, but her normally stern expression was softened as she greeted her new student.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, Miss Wilkins," McGonagall said, giving her a rare smile.

Hermione had to remind herself that she was Miss Wilkins now. Dumbledore had thought it prudent not to use her real name, and so she would be going by Jean Wilkins for the duration of her time here in the past. Adopting this alias was only one of the precautious measures they were taking in an attempt to protect the future she knew from being altered due to her time travel.

"Thank you," said Hermione as Jean. "It's great to be here, Professor."

"You'll be staying in the Head Girl's dormitory with Lily Evans. I'll show you the way."

Hermione couldn't believe it. She was going to be staying with Lily, Harry's mother!

She followed her professor to a large, magnificent painting of the silhouette of Hogwarts during a fiery sunset. McGonagall tapped her wand against the darkness of the painted castle and a door appeared before them. They went through. On the other side was a spacious sitting room.

Lounging on an armchair was a beautiful red-haired, green-eyed girl who jumped to her feet upon their entrance. She approached Hermione with a friendly smile and extended her hand.

"Hello, Jean! Welcome to Hogwarts. I'm Lily Evans."

This was stranger than seeing Dumbledore alive. Hermione had never known the living Lily. She had always been just a name and a symbol of love and courage. Seeing her now in the flesh, shaking her hand, was peculiar. She felt a pang of guilt. Here she was, roommates with Lily, when her best friend Harry had never had the chance to know her, his own mother.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Hermione said, more honestly than she had ever uttered those words before.

"Miss Evans will show you around the place and take you down to the Great Hall for dinner," McGonagall told her. "I will see you tomorrow morning to go over your class schedule."

"Yes, Professor."

McGonagall bid them a good evening and went on her way.

"Jean, let me show you our room. They've added a bed and dresser for you, and all your things have arrived," Lily informed her enthusiastically.

The bedroom was larger than Hermione expected. It was comfortable enough for two people and would be quite roomy for one person alone. Hermione's new things — wand, clothes, school uniform, school supplies — were on the far side of the room.

"Through that door there we have a nice big bath. It's fantastic. You'll love it."

Hermione was impressed.

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