Side Story: II

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Hikarino woke up to the smell of breakfast being made through the air. With his eyes both closed, he let himself being lure to the smell and found himself in the kitchen.

Once he opened his eyes, he jumped in his place at the sight. "What are you still doing here?" He glared at the raven.

Vox flipped a pancake over to its other side and just hummed. "Making breakfast so me, you, Shoto and the kids won't starve." He placed the finished cooked pancake onto a stack of it and evenly distributed it on five plates.

Hikarino ignored him and went to make himself a drink. "You know," Vox started as he turned off the stove. "I don't get why you despise me so much. If I've ever done anything wrong to you, I'm sorry."

Hikarino rolled his eyes and took a seat. He was surprised to see that his plate of pancakes was decorated with vanilla ice cream and matcha.

"Shu told me you like matcha flavoured things." Vox smiled.

Shoto entered the area, yawning with Mairi in his arm and his hand holding Levi's small one. "Good morning."

Hikarino waved in response, unable to speak as he was eating. "Levi wanted to go to the park today with Luca and Shu." Shoto says, placing the boy in his high chair after putting down the sleepy Mairi.

"Yey! Uncle Chu!" Levi cheered.

"Shu," Vox corrected. "When will you be going?" He asks Shoto.

"Some time around the afternoon. I have to work later, I owe Selen big time." Shoto sighed, remembering the time he broke a fight with Sonny in her store.

"Selen has another store? I thought she only had the one back in Japan."

Shoto shrugged at Vox's question. "Beats me how she has multiple stores." He began munching on his breakfast. "Ayo, what is this five star meal??" He was amazed at the taste, the flavours were much different than the regular ones he had before.

Vox smiled proudly at himself. "One that I made."

Hikarino rolled his eyes at this as he was helping little Levi eating. A realisation finally hit him. "Wait, does that mean I'm going to be taking care of the twins alone?"

Shoto pointed at Vox with his thumb. "You have Vox,"

"Screw Vox."

Vox gasped and covered Mairi's ears who is oblivious on what's going on. "Language!"

"Fine, ask your boyfriend to help you or whatever." Shoto rolled his eyes.

Hikarino slammed his fisted hands on the table. "Kanekuro is not my boyfriend." He gritted.

"Oh really? I didn't even say his name. Plus, don't people kiss and make out with their partners all the time? Is he really different?" Shoto pushed further.

Vox was having a hard time trying to protect Mairi and Levi's innocent ears. Although he has to admit, the drama between the two was very interesting. It was much interesting than the ones he would normally hear.

Fulgur talks about Uki a lot but this is way different.

"Don't bring him up in this." Hikarino glared at Shoto.

Shoto scoffed. "Just have Vox with you, you'll be fine."

"I don't like him,"

"Too bad, I don't give a flying fu.. shi- I don't care." Shoto struggled not to curse for the sake of the twins. "He's going to help you wether you like it or not, I'm off to work."

"You can't just leave me with him!"

Shoto stuck his tongue out, already at the front door. "I just did!"

Hikarino's mouth was wide agape. He can't believe Shoto just did that leaving him with someone who he clearly doesn't like!

He sat there fuming about what his roommate did and said.

Vox looked at him with a sheepish smile. "Want to go out?"

Hikarino looked at him. "Give me your phone," he demanded. After the ravenette did as told, Hikarino typed something and smiled.

"Yeah sure, you can spend the day with Shu."

Vox furrowed his eyebrows. "Wha- with Shu?"

Smiling, the purple highlighted male nods. "Don't worry, the kids can't tell a difference." He wiped off some crumbs off from Levi's chin. "I'll be out with.. someone. See you,"

° • ~

Shoto stood at his place tiredly, there's not much to do working in a store like this other than to answer questions, demonstrate them how different types of knives works..

"Having fun?" His purple haired boss laughed.

"Selen, please." This had been a recurring moment between the two. Selen would check up on him and laugh at his boredom. It was some sort of payback for what he did back in Japan.

Selen laughed more at his plead. "Hey, it's not my fault I broke two glass cases for the fanciest and expensive daggers. Even the gun one.."

She recalled the time Shu shot the dagger out of Shoto's hands which was impressive and scary at the same time.

"Besides, at least I don't have you cleaning up the place." Selen patted his shoulder and went to her office. "Have a break, take some time off."

Shoto smiled, he took a seat on one the chairs behind the counters and pulled out his phone.

Kinda hot • online

Does Mairi always sleep on the floor..?
Also, Hikarino left shortly after you left.
Levi kinda shat in his pants btw
15 minutes ago

Shu's here, you weren't lying when you said the kids like him
But aren't Shu and Hikarino twins????
3 minutes ago

"What?" Shoto squinted his eyes and reread the messages Vox sent him. He decided to give the ravenette a call. After a few moments of dialling, the phone finally rang.

"Hey, what do you mean he left?" Shoto asked.

"He said he'd be out with someone, don't know who, where and why."

Shoto bit his thumb, leaning on his chair. "A-Alright.. um, did you clean up Levi's accident?"

"Of course I did, Shu helped a lot too!"

"That's great to hear." Shoto sighed. "I'll have to end the call, something came up." After he ended the short conversation, he looked out the window.

Two people were laughing and talking as they went about their day, they looked like a couple. The man surprises his lover with a gift which his lover accepted wholeheartedly.

Shoto hummed. That just gave him a great idea.

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