Chapter Twenty-five

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Liam wrapped his arm around Bryce, leaning on him in an attempt to get him to clear his thoughts a bit. They had been walking in the park all morning, just trying to figure out where to go.

"What are we supposed to do with the keys?" Liam asked, unzipping and reaching inside himself, before he gasped quietly. "What is it?" Bryce asked, opening an eye and gazing down at Liam. "The laptop..." He responded.

"What? I thought we left Texty at the house." Owen mentioned. Bryce stepped in front of Liam, placing a hand on his zipper gently. "Mind if I get the laptop?" Bryce asked, before Liam nodded. He unzipped Liam as gently as he could, just enough to get the laptop through, before he reached inside, grabbing the laptop and pulling it out. He zipped Liam back up.

"This is Texty's laptop alright." Bryce said as he inspected the gray laptop in his hands. He handed it to Owen, who opened the laptop up. It turned on, the logo fading in before it turned to its usual desktop. Texty pulled up the text-to-speech website on her own.

"what the hell i thought i died"

"We thought the same thing, but apparently not." Owen replied.

"i was on during like all of the fire until it melted me away"

"You were on?" Liam asked, turning to the laptop with a look of slight dread on his face. "yeah" Texty responded. "Is that a... bad thing?" Owen asked. Oh. Right. He was asleep last night before the fire.

"Uh, let's go back to what we were talking about earlier." Bryce said, swiftly changing the subject. "Right. Places to stay." Owen mumbled to himself. "Are there any homeless shelters near here?" Liam asked. Bryce shook his head. "There's always Bradley's house, but I don't wanna bother him..." Bryce half-mumbled.

"What about you, Owen? Got any ideas?" Bryce asked, taking a glance to where Owen was. But, as he looked over...

Owen had disappeared.


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