Chapter Twenty

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[10:00 AM]


Texty and Owen were talking.

"'oh liam i love u soooo much im sorry for ever saying anything like that how could i ever make it up to you' 'hmm uh how about u make out with me'"

Owen laughed.

"yk they both prolly saw right thru u, ur literally the only one who got a good night's sleep"

"Well, I know Bryce did. He looked furious." He chuckled a bit.

The door creaked open. Liam and Bryce walked through. Liam was looking at the floor and shuffling his feet, meanwhile Bryce was looking straight ahead, with a worried look on his face. They both sat at the table, Bryce sitting across from Owen and Liam, as usual.

"Should we tell Owen?" Bryce half-mumbled. "Yes." Liam said sharply and shakily.

Bryce sighed. "Uh, so, your car is crashed." He said, after turning toward Owen. "What?!" Owen yelled, and stood up from his chair. "Hey, it's not his fault." Liam said, leaning on the table. Owen raised an eyebrow. "Someone ran a red light and hit the car." Liam explained.

"And you didn't get their information?" Owen assumed. "No, I did." Bryce said, placing a yellow sticky note on the table. Owen thought for a moment.

"Okay, with that aside, you're both okay, right?" Owen said, glancing at Liam and Bryce. Liam nodded. Bryce looked to the floor. "Well, my head still kinda hurts..." He said. "well yeah no shit"

Owen raised an eyebrow. Bryce glared at the computer.

"Uh, Owen?" Liam spoke much clearer than before. Owen turned toward Liam. "Can I.. uh..." Liam gestured towards the couch. Owen walked over and sat down. Liam did the same.

"He asked me why I was crying last night!" Liam whispered. "Okay?" Owen responded, also whispering. Liam stared in confusion for a moment. "Can I have a little bit of help, maybe?" He said through gritted teeth. Owen sighed. "Alright..." He said reluctantly. Liam blinked, both of them silent for a moment. "Honestly, the only advice I can give you is to just be honest." Owen said. Liam sighed. "Okay." He said. They sat back down at the table.

(a/n: dont expect chapters to be coming out as frequently as they used to.)

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