Chapter Six

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Bryce heard a knock at the door, so he rushed to throw away the beer cans on the table and opened it as soon as possible, right when Owen was walking away. "Wait!" Bryce called. Owen turned back.

"Owen?" Bryce asked the nail. "That's my name, don't wear it out!" Owen responded with a smile. Bryce smiled, and opened the door wider. "Come on in!"

Owen walked in and noticed the spaghetti on the table. "Could I have some? I'm pretty hungry. I've only had, like, dinner, and that was yesterday." He said pointing at the plate of spaghetti. "Sure, lemme just get it for ya. I was expecting you'd be here in time for dinner so I prepared some more for ya." He responded. "Thanks man!" Owen said, as he pulled out a chair to sit in.

"Whats up with the MSPaint drawing of spaghetti?" Owen asked. "hey thats mine, dont take any of it, even though it totally tastes better." Texty responded. Owen fell out of his chair in surprise. "Jesus christ! What is that?!"

"Oh, right, I probably should've told you about Texty." Bryce responded while setting down Owen's spaghetti, then sitting back down in his seat. "Texty, as her name implies, is basically just text on a computer. We hooked her up with a text-to-speech engine to let her have more of a.. speakableness." Bryce explained. Owen ate his spaghetti quickly. "Do you want me to put this in your dishwasher or something?" He asked. "Just set it in the sink." Bryce replied.

"Hello there, Texty. My name's Owen." Owen waved to the computer awkwardly. It was still a little confusing that sentient text existed, but, hey, Owen wasn't one to judge. ":]" Texty responded. "How did she speak that..?" Owen looked over at Bryce. Bryce hummed an "I dunno" and changed the subject.

"Soo, we got a plan or anything?" Bryce asked. "I figured he might be in the hospital at the moment, but evidently not, so we might have to figure that out first." Owen said. Bryce nodded. "I do have health insurance provided by my job now, so I'd be able to pay for all the bills." Bryce explained.

"Alright, uh, I guess we're set?" Owen said. "No, first of all, does Texty want to come?" Bryce looked over at the laptop on the table. "yea totally" Texty responded. "Great. Second, what are we gonna say to him when he wakes up?" Bryce was more worried about what he was going to say, but it didn't matter. "Wha- why are you asking that right now? Why should it matter?" Owen seemed a little miffed at Bryce. "Whatever, I can just think of it in the car." Bryce said. He grabbed his jacket and looked back at Owen. "You got a jacket?" Bryce asked him. "Yup, it's in my car."

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