Chapter Nine

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"Okay, rejoiner rejoining in three... two... one..."

The bustling conversation of the hospital suddenly stopped.

He didn't hear Owen comforting him, he didn't hear the beep of the heartbeat monitor, he wasn't sitting in the chair next to the hospital bed.

He was on the plane.

"Soda bottle!"

Bryce turned back in surprise. Scenty hugged him. He just stared blankly out toward the trees.


"...and I asked him for my car keys back, but then-" Bryce was interrupted by Airy.

"Alright, sorry for taking so long, but the next challenge is to make the tallest stack you can with these rocks."

Airy gently places the rocks onto the smooth surface of the plane. He turns back to the microphone. "Three... two... one... go." Airy watched the small planet next to the desk.

Bryce and Scenty continued talking. "So, I asked him for my car keys back, then..."


Bryce was laying on the grassy ground, crying, staring up at the blazing "sun".

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?"

Bryce turned over onto his side.

"I hope he doesn't wake up before I get back..."





Scenty lied down next to Bryce.

"Don't worry. You'll probably get back soon."

"Scenty! Yoga!"

Scenty stood up.

"Sorry, Soda Bottle, gotta go. If you ever need to, y'know, air any grievances out to me or anything, I'll be willing to help."

"Thanks, Scenty."

Scenty strolled over to the other contestants. Bryce kept lying on the floor. He turned back to the sun.

Bryce sighed. He felt... strange. He'd never opened up to anyone like that, except for Stella, of course. Bryce rubbed his face, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

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