Psychedelic Dreams

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The air was thick the ground was harsh the noise was being drowned out by the oncoming planes and emergency machinery. The sky was a dull contrast to yesterdays sky blue view, as the smell of the dying bodies reached the area.  The screams were all too much. A figure began running in my direction but was to blurry to make out, the figure extended and arm but as I grabbed hold of it the ground shook and the ground gave in. I began to fall and the screams from figure were barely audible, and then it went black.

“Kimberly!” “Earth to Kim wake up” I got up quickly to the sound of my brothers voice. “Hey it’s just another nightmare forget it and get ready for school.” I nod and shoo him away, I get up and ready myself thinking over was it really just a nightmare? I shake my head clear and head out the door; this is going to be a long day. *Ringg*the school bell sounded off and the hallways cleared as if the hallways themselves pushed the students into their class rooms. My thoughts were cut short when a voice from behind began to speak very loudly. Ms. Checking Worth walks into the classroom saying ‘Good Morning!’ She began to elaborate on the beauty of art and how she had came to understand it. Though her speech was heartfelt I had zoned out most of it until there was complete silence, I tune back in and noticed she had paused seeming to have forgotten something? Ms Checking Worth looked over at me and quickly recovered “Class, please welcome Kimberly to our art class!”Everyone in the class looked at me weird but, after a couple of forced hellos and silent nods, the teacher leads me to my desk which was located in the back next to the window. ‘Art is such a passion, such beauty such creativity!’ I couldn’t believe how into art this teacher was, it was a little astounding. Throughout the lecture I started to tune out again and look around the room when I saw that the guy a desk away from me was watching me? Feeling a little uneasy about this guy I shift my attention away but I could still feel his stare go on till the bell had rang for free period.

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