Chapter 10

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The little creatures began to come after them making a racket of battle cries. "Time to go!" Rick said picking Alex up quickly and they all began to run. Jonathan then states," I thought you said they were nothing!" The pigmy mummies ran after them with hunting intent to capture and kill them. However, while they were running Jonathan ran down a different path than Evee, Rick, and Alex and ran into some of Hafez's men and they both ran down the path. Jonathan then pulled the man into a burial ground as he shouted," A burial ground we are safe! See those sacred stones, they will never pass those!" "You sure?" the man asked in a panic and Jonathan nodded. Then a swarm of the pigmies ran past the opening to the burial ground, but one quickly stopped noticing them. The creature pole vaulted past the stone and jumped onto the man behind Jonathan stabbing him as Jonathan screamed, the creature screamed back at him and climbed away as the man looked at him, "Sorry, my mistake." Jon said before running.

Evelyn, Rick, and Alex found a fallen tree over the canyon and crossed it before hearing Jon yell," Wait for me!" "Hurry up Jonathan!" Evee yelled. Rick lighted a stick of dynamite as Jon crossed the fallen tree before noticing Nick," what is that for?!" he asked in a panic Rick calmly answered, " Oh nothing just something in case of an emergency." He then threw the dynamite at the pigmy mummies, once caught it before another fought over it, he then kicked the other off the tree and began to continue running over the tree before it exploded with a loud bang. Evelyn then looked into the distance, "Rick." The sun was beginning to rise in the distance. Rick grabbed Alex, "Let's go Alex." They began to run through the forest towards the pyramid. However, the bracelet was beginning to weaken Alex, "Dad the bracelet." He said struggling to keep up before Rick picked him up and continued to run to the pyramid. The light trailed behind them and Rick dove into the pyramid just as the light hit the top of the pyramid, Rick breathed heavily as he said, "You know, it's not easy being a dad." "Yeah, but you do really good," Alex replied. Rick nods, "Thanks." After a moment the bracelet opened and fell off of Alex's arm, and Alex threw it away from them and hugged his dad.

Akila, Neela, and Imhotep soon made it to the temple and saw them arrive. Akila was breathing heavily from running for a bit, before sighing," Thank god He made it in time." Imhotep however seemed unphased by it and held Akila close to him. "Come now Tia, we must enter the temple." Akila nods softly. Before seeing her brother and sister run up to the temple, she couldn't believe she could see them again after so long.

Jonathan and Evelyn soon ran up to the pyramid as she sighed in relief, "They made it. Thank god." Jon was out of breath as he replied," Yeah... Great... Fabulous." However, he didn't notice Anak Su Namun walking behind him and stabbing Evelyn in the stomach. Nick shot up hearing her groan in pain, while Imhotep threw Jon against one of the statues. Akila yelled," Eveyln! Jonathan!" She didn't notice that Imhotep grabbed her arm gently bringing her to him, "They will be okay. Let's go." Akila cried softly but silently followed hesitantly but when he let his grip go she went back to her sister. Nick ran to Evee yelling, " NO! Evee! Evee!" before holding her close to him. Alex saw them walk past and Neela waved at him before walking away into the temple. Alex ran to his mother and Father, "MOM!" "JONATHAN!" Rick yelled out. "She's going to be okay, isn't she dad?" Alex asked worried. "She's going to be fine." Rick said as he pointed at Jon," Take him. You're going to be fine." He said as he panicked. "You're going to make it, stay strong." He told Evelyn. Akila ran to them, "Evelyn. Please be okay." She cried before Rick looked at her, "Akila? How are you here?!" He grabbed her and held onto her, "What were you doing with them?" He then asked in a more upset tone. "I-I don't know how I'm alive. But I've been with them since I woke up then I heard they had Alex and I tried to keep him safe." She tried to explain but was more worried about her sister as she held her hand tightly. "What do I do Evee?" Rick asked her worriedly. "Take care of Alex." She said before Rick started to cry, "Evee no." The life soon faded from her body as she said," I love you both so much." Rick held onto her crying as Akila looked down and went to Alex and Jon hugging them. "I'm going to fix this." She muttered under her breath before walking to the temple to find Anak su Namun and Imhotep. Meanwhile, Hafez found the bracelet of Anubis in the sand where Alex threw it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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