Chapter 5

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Jonathan, Rick, and Ardeth then went to Rick's friend Winston hoping they could make a deal on getting to Hamunaptra in time by using a plane.  They walked up a dune as O'Connell says,"Morning, Winston. A word?" "What's your little problem have to do with His Majesty's Royal Air Corps?" Winston asked as he drank his drink. "Not a damn thing," Rick answered making the other man look up with interest and putting his cup down. "Is it dangerous?" He then asked with O'Connell replying, "You probably won't live through it." Winston was rather intrigued to have such an adventure," By Jove, do you really think so?" Jonathan then states while he worried about his sister's safety," Everybody else we've bumped into has died. Why not you?" Ardeth silently listened to the conversation but didn't say a word. "What's the... What's the challenge then?" Winston then asked standing up. "Rescue the damsels in distress, kill the bad guy, and save the world," Rick said as Winston softly laughs in delight towards the challenge and agreed. Since the plane only fit two people, Ardeth and Jonathan were tightly bound to the wings as they held on for dear life. As they were in the sky Rick whistled to get Jonathan's attention and asked if he was alright causing Jonathan to give a sarcastic and annoyed reply of," Do I bloody look alright?!" Rick then asked the same to Ardeth. They came by a dust devil made of sand and Winston states, "See that, I've never seen one so big."

While Akila and Evelyn were inside the dust devil Imhotep formed to get back to Hamunaptra, he noticed the plane but ignored it at first. He soon stopped and Evelyn and Beni fell from the dust devil to the sand dune. While Imhotep held Akila close to him so she wouldn't fall. She looked up at him and spoke in Ancient Egyptian, "Imhotep, please you must stop this. I know you're upset and want revenge for what has happened, but please don't do this. We are together again, so, please. I don't want to lose my sister. I will stay with you, until the end of time." Imhotep looked at her and gently moved some of her hair," But Anak-Su-Namun should pay for what she has done, same as those Medjai. I won't let anyone hurt you, and we can live as we did before." Akila softly sighed before gently shaking her head, but she wasn't going to give up on preventing it all. She helped her sister up and they could hear an airplane and Evelyn smiles, "O'Connell." Akila saw Imhotep look up noticing the plane as well and he grew annoyed walking past them. He soon stopped and made an ungodly roar as he rose his arms creating a giant sand storm. Akila stood there in awe for a moment before her sister's yell broke her out of it," Stop it, you'll kill them" Evelyn yelled as the sand storm developed them making it hard to see them as Beni replied looking uneasy," That's the idea..." Evelyn then looked at Akila," You have to do something. You're the only one who could make him stop." Akila grew nervous hoping she could stop him from killing them as she walked up to Imhotep. He had his eyes closed and muttering the words of most likely the spell he used, as he concentrated. She quickly kissed him and turned him away, this making him lose his focus completely. He was rather shocked but softly smiled kissing her back as he held her close to him. She broke the kiss after seeing the storm has fully dissipated and Evelyn smiled as they came out safely but then crash on a dune nearby. Imhotep looked at Akila grabbing her hand as he walked towards Hamunaptra as Evelyn and Beni followed behind. "I love the whole sand-wall trick. It was beautiful." Beni said obviously trying to stay on the high priest's good side after seeing such things.

Rick, Jonathan, and Ardeth got out of the plane crash. Ardeth pulled the Tommy gun off the airplane, that Rick used to shoot at the sandstorm with Imhotep's face. They soon found out that Winston died during the crash, and the plane began to sink. "Quicksand! Get back, it's Quicksand!" Ardeth said as they all quickly backed up. Rick saluted as Winston's body and plane sunk into the sandy depths. They then made their way to Hamunaptra.

Imhotep lead the way as he held onto Akila's hand as they walked into the temple, "You did that on purpose didn't you?" Imhotep questioned her causing her to look at him and almost trip before he grabbed her and picked her up. "It was the only way, I knew you'd actually listen to me and stop trying to hurt people. Especially, people who are innocent, I know you can change Imhotep..." She replied. They walked through the temple of Hamunaptra until they entered the room where he would do the ritual. Beni then said to her sister," Keep moving..." Evelyn then looked at Beni who already seemed very uneasy at the circumstances and said," Nasty little fellows like yourself always get their comeuppance." Beni acted as if he wasn't phased by it at all before saying," Really? They do?" "Oh, yes. Always." she then stated before continuing to follow making Akila softly smile at the two's conversation and the result of a more nervous Beni. Imhotep carefully puts Akila down before setting everything up he puts the book of the dead, and the four sacred ceanic jars on the stone table in front of them. Suddenly a gunshot was heard making Akila slightly jump from the echoing sound and Eveyln to smile again stating it was O'Connell coming for them. Imhotep looked up before opening one of the ceanic jars and poured the ash into his hand and blew it towards a certain way with hieroglyphics as he said," Saa-Tame Vapuk a ra eck" Akila, Evelyn, and Beni all silently watched from across the table as two mummies came out of the wall as Beni hid behind them. They were two of Imhotep's priests and Imhotep looked back at Akila as if contemplating," Get the intruders and wake the others." The mummies then walked off as Akila walked towards Imhotep," You're not going to let them kill them, are you?" Imhotep turned around to face her," You have nothing to worry about my beautiful flower, so for now rest." He said putting his hand over her eyes using a spell to make her fall asleep for a bit and catching her before she fell.  He then did the same to Evelyn. He then carefully puts Akila down before putting her unconscious sister on the table along with the mummy of the woman he wanted to get revenge on for killing his lover.

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