Chapter 3

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At the trading post, it was now daytime. Rick and Jonathan were standing at a trading post in order to get camels for them all. " I want 5, not a whole bloody herd! O'Connell can you believe the cheek?!" Jonathan yelled. "Just pay the man," O'Connell said. Jonathan handed the man the money while saying," I can't believe the price of these fleabags." "We could've had 'em for free, all we had to do was give him one of your sisters," Rick stated. "Yes, awfully tempting, wasn't it?" Jonathan replied. " Awfully," Rick said before seeing Evelyn dressed in a beautiful Bedouin dress as was Akila. They then began to go make their journey to Hamunaptra through the Sahara Desert. O'Connell, Evelyn, Jonathan, Akila, and the Warden were on their camels in the middle of the scorching hot Sahara. "Never did like camels Filthybuggers. They smell, they bite, they spit." Jonathan complained. While Evelyn and Akila were having the time of their lives on their journey. " Well, I think they're cute, right Akila." Evelyn states as her sister agreed, "Right I mean look at the adorable ears, plus they're very loyal creatures. They will wait for years for their master's return even if they died." " I could give you a spider, scorpion, or snake and you would somehow find a way to find it adorable. You always loved animals, even the deadly ones." Jonathan then states. They were quiet most of the time then night covered the desert plane. Rick stayed awake, as Jonathan was asleep until the Warden's snores woke him up which made him hit the Warden with the whip and acted as if he was asleep. Evelyn was asleep and began to slide off her saddle and O'Connell carefully pushed her back up without waking her up. He watched her for a moment and then looked up at a distant ridge where Ardeth Bay and his group of Medjai watched down on them from a cliff. Akila was asleep having another vision, she saw a sarcophagus with the sacred spells that have been chiseled off, and where it would normally tell who is inside only said," He that shall not be named".  She still hasn't realized that the memories are of a past life.

~Ardeth Bay POV~

 As we were watching the group of people ride on their camels through the Sahara desert, we recognized one of them. "This one is strong" we then heard someone coming on their horse, so we quickly raised our weapons only to hear, "My leader, She is back, the princess Tia, she has been reincarnated. She was on that barge that some of our people attacked. Yesterday they were at the trading post. However, I fear, that she is with ones who want to travel to Hamunaptra. It also seems as she not yet got all her memories from her previous life." the man told him. Ardeth nods," Thank you for telling me, however, We need to keep Tia away from Imhotep so she doesn't get killed again."

~Normal POV~

It was beginning to be sunrise and everyone was awake. We soon came to a stop as Beni's group met back up with them. "Good Morning my friend," Beni said. " What the hell are we doin'?" Daniels asked. "Patience, my good barat'm, patience," Beni answered the other man. "Remember our bet, O'Connell? The first one to the city, 500 cash bucks!" Henderson stated. Akila rolled her eyes before hearing Rick say," Wait for it?" thus Evy asked," Wait for what?" "We are about to be shown the way," Rick answered. The sun began to rise and Hamunaptra began to show, and everyone was in awe. "Will you look at that?" Henderson said then followed by Daniels saying," Can you believe it?" "Hamunaptra" Burns then said as Rick sighed," Here we go again." As the whole city appeared everyone takes off on their camels and horses. Akila and Evy were in the lead as our brother cheered us on as the two sisters laughed as they made it to the city. Once we got there Rick and Jonathan worked on fixing up the tents as Akila and Evelyn dusted and positioned Ancient mirrors. Evelyn then said," According to Bembridge Scholars, inside the statue of Anubis, was a secret compartment, containing the book of Amun Ra." Rick was confused about what we were doing with the mirrors so he asked," What are those mirrors for?" "It's an Ancient Egyptian trick, you'll see," Akila answered. Rick went to Evelyn and handed her a tool kit saying," Here, this is for you. Go ahead. It's something I borrowed off our American brethren. I thought you might like it, you might need it for when your..." Akila smiled at the two, she thought it was really sweet of Rick to give Evy a gift. Rick then rappels down into the crevice where it entered the temple. The Warden then shouts to Rick," Hey look for bugs. I hate bugs." After everyone went down into the ground were inside a big room, Akila went to look around the room before moving one of the mirrors lightening up the whole room while saying," And then there was light." Suddenly she got another memory where many men covered in gold paint were being mummified alive before her very eyes and seeing the mummification of her lover and future husband Imhotep. She snapped out of it when Jonathan was gently shaking her," Akila, are you alright?" She nods," Yeah just spaced out is all, let's get going." She said with a smile. As they walked through the lit chamber she began to wonder if perhaps the memories were from a past life. Even though she never thought of it, but it was the only thing that makes sense to her with all that's going on.

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