Chapter 6

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~Author's Note~
Hello everyone, sorry I haven't been able to update. I had a lot of finals to do in college and also had a family vacation so it was hard to make more chapters to the book. I hope that everyone enjoys the book. I will do my best to update it more, and I will update the other chapters to fix grammar and spelling mistakes. I was also thinking of putting pictures of the Characters in a part before chapter 1 in case if some readers haven't watched the movies yet, since I'm bad at description. And thank you all who have voted already on some of my chapters it honestly makes my day. Well back to the story!

 8 years later, Alex and his parents went to a temple that Evelyn has been wanting to go to for a while due to her dreams. O'Connell was in the catacombs of the temple looking around still not comfortable in such places after his fights with mummies. As he went to put his pistol away and turned around, he saw his son Alex. They both screamed, startled before Rick said slowly, calming down," Alex?" "What were you thinking, a mummy came back to life?" Alex chuckled softly as his father gave him a hand up simply saying," I'll tell you a story some time. What are you doing down here? I told you to wait for us up at the temple." "But, Dad, I saw..." Alex started only for his father to simply interrupt him with," No 'buts, it's dangerous down here Alex." "But I saw your tattoo." "You saw what?" Rick asked as his son took his bracer off his wrist and his son explained the tattoo to him. " On a wall by the entrance. There's a cartouche just like it.  With the pyramid and the eye and the two kings and everything!" He said excitedly. "Okay, well, I'll be up to take a look at that in a minute. In the meantime, I want you to wait for us up there." Rick said as his son tried to stay making Rick add," No, pick up your stuff and I'll see you up in the temple. Go. Go on." " And... And what shall I do?" Alex questioned knowing his boredom. "I don't know. Surprise me. Build a better mousetrap." Rick sighed as he walked off and mumbled," While your mother goes and desecrates another tomb."

Evelyn was using the brush from the tools that Rick gave her from the first adventure they had at Hamunaptra. The wall had a hieroglyphic of two Egyptians fighting. She stopped hearing a hissing sound seeing it was a snake she kicked it away while saying," Go Away." Rick ducked out of the way replying," Those things are poisonous, you know." "Only if they bite you." Evelyn pointed out. "What was that about?" Evy asked as he answered with," Nothing. Alex wanted to show me something. I swear... the kid gets more and more like you every day." Evelyn turned around and walked toward him as she states," You mean more attractive, sweet... and devilishly charming?" "No, he's driving me crazy." he said before kissing her quickly adding," Now where were we?" She pulled out a hammer and chisel handing them out to Rick as he gave a 'seriously' look. She sighed," Oh alright, let's do it your way." She then handed him a crowbar. He happily took it and hit it against the wall making the wall fall back. The ground was covered in scorpions and tarantulas. Evelyn made her way inside being careful of the creatures on the floor as she softly spoke," Ever since I had that dream... This place is all I can think about." Rick didn't walk with care as Evelyn did he then mumbled," Ever since you had that dream, I haven't had a decent night's sleep.  "I feel like I've been here before. I know I've been here before." Evelyn said still careful where she stepped. Rick sighed before saying," Evy, nobody has been down here before, not in at least 3,000 years. Except for these guys." He said before Evelyn pulled a lever and stated," then how do I seem to know exactly where I am going?"

Inside the temple, Alex finally finished another mousetrap and was about to test it out before he heard voices and hid in the small watchtower. Three men walked in, one told the other two to look in the temple as he looked for the O'Connells.

Back inside the tombs and catacombs, Rick entered the room first before Evelyn came in and she had a vision like Akila used to have at Hamunaptra. The room was like it was back to life and she saw someone walk out of the door and move what she assumed was a key to unlock the door before everything went back to normal. She swung the torch around before Rick said," You know, if you move that fast enough, you can almost write your name." "I just had a vision. It was like my dream, but it was real. It was like I was actually here in ancient times." Evelyn states before Rick replied," Well if you were actually here... could you show me how to open this thing?" She walked up and handed him the torch before moving the key and opening the door like it was in her vision. She then thought, 'Is this what Akila felt like at Hamunaptra?' "Alright, now you're starting to scare me." Rick declared as Evelyn agreed," I'm starting to scare myself."

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