What the..?

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I get out of the shower me and Cody danced all night at the party and I announced to everyone we are to be married but haven't set a date yet even though most everyone knew.

I look around the bedroom and see Codys already went downstairs I put on a tank top and shorts then blow out and straighten my hair.

I slide downstairs having been tortured by the smell of bacon and chocolate chip pancakes all through my shower I can't wait to eat.

Everyone's sitting at the table but I can't find Cody. I'm about when I'm attacked I'm lifted off the ground and my face is covered in kisses.

I giggle "Cody stop it"

"Never" he says lowering his voice

He starts to tickled me and I squeal then before I now it were both soaking wet I look up to see bekahs smiling face her being to one to dump the bucket of water in us.

She's done it now I grab a pancake shoving it in my mouth while peeling off my drenched shirt.

I grab a water gun from under the sink and take off after her.

I squirt her with it she squeals and runs away I always knew keeping loaded water guns under the sink was a great idea.

I empty the gun on her and hold my hand up signaling a truce she walks over and we hug then I pull out the one I had hidden in my pants and empty it in her while she squeals.

"You jerk"

I scoff "me you know you deserved it"

"Ok maybe just a little"

"Ugh a little"

"Ok a lot"

We hug and I grab some pancakes and go upstairs. I eat my pancakes while I change into dry clothes. I also pack a bag since today we have to go to lighstone to help fight violet.

I can't wait to show Jessica my ring.

I love the infinity twist it symbols our love is forever. Forever and always

Chairidy says forever and always I confirm back to her. I close my eyes and see her and Alex snuggling.

I open my eyes snapping myself to here and now. I slide down the stairs and stand in the living room I stick my fingers in my mouth and whistle.

Soon after the pack comes filling in.

"Ok guys we need to leave soon is everyone ready."

They all nod "ok we are making the journey as people so everyone who's going go get your stuff"

They all leave to grab there stuff Clark, Gracie Avery, and Sami are the only ones who don't move because there the ones staying here.

I make my way upstairs grab my bag then come back down everyone else is already there.

"Ok guys lets get going"

I hug the ones staying. Then walk out the door. I walk with Cody for a while his hand in mine comforting.

I leave him to walk with Rebekah.

"So how are you doing"

"With what"

"The whole being a wolf and everything that happened"

"Good I guess I love being a wolf just wished all the other stuff hadn't happened."

"Yea I feel you"

"You do how"

"Well the people that did that do you were trying to copy someone who did it five years ago to me" I pause long enough to look at her shocked face. "When I was thirteen I was raped and changed I would have died if Clark hadn't found me. He killed the people who did it like I did to ones who did that to you i know how you feel"

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