Ch. 13 Alec and Tanya...Why?!

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Alec's POV

" YES!", Rosalie yelled and her and Emmett shared a passionat kiss.

Bella opened her mouth to talk but the sirens went off inside and the sprinklers. A fire? Really? Rosalie grabbed chase, and Emmett held them both as he sped out of here. I ran with Bella out of the building. Of course we grabbed the rings, though.

We finally stopped when we hit a meadow. I snarl escaped my lips as Renesme, Jasper, Carlisle, Esme, Jacob, Edward, and Alice were crouching before us. Edward used his speed and ran towards Bella. Before he got to her, I pushed her in back of me and used my power. He froze, all his senses were off except being able to hear.

" Wh-What's Going O-on?", Bella asked alarmed.

" Alec, if ya' know what's good for ya', you'll give Bella to us and go back to being Aro's puppet!", Jacob growled.

" What do you mean, Jake?", Bella quivered.

" It's nothing, Bella.", I whispered to her.

" Yes, it is! You jerk! Bella, come over here.", Alice motioned. Bella was by her side in a minute. Emmett, Rosalie, and Chase by their side. Hurt filled my eyes but I pushed it to the end of my mind.

" WHAT. IT. GOING. ON?!", Bella yelled.

" Alec.", Renesme answered.

" Tanya was working with the Voltori. She does have a talent and it's munipulating emotions, strongly. Like Jasper. She made Edward love her. And Alec, you, and vise-versa. Aro's decision was to have Edward out of the picture so Alec and you could have a half-vampire child with special talents, since you are both gifted. It is a fifty-fifty chance, but he thought it was worth a shot. He heard about Tanya's love for Edward and agreed. Alec is just one of Aro's puppets.", Alice informed.

" Wh-What?", I asked. Hurt was definant.

" Bella, don't marry Alec! Marry me!", Edward cried.

" The- What- I- He- You- Yeah- No- Huh-", Bella rambled then passed out. I started walking to her but Edward snarled and attached himself to her side. I started walking away. Back to my "Master"....

Rensme's POV

This was too much for her. Now my sister lay in Carlisle's hospital. Unconscious. Hope is fading. It's been two weeks. Edward hasn't left her side. He stroked her face and whispers words, but wont leave. I've been here wating with Jake. Alice keeps looking and looking but can see nothing. Jasper has been in a bad mood because of the radiating emotions. Tanya left with Alec. I hope they stay with each other. We don't need them. Rosalie and Emmett have been kept busy with Chase, but everything's still wrong! Esme is sad, and Carlisle keeps taking extra hours at the hostpital. He never answers our questions of Bella.

Edward's POV

Please wake up Bella. You have to! Please! For me! And if not for me, than for everyone else! She lay unmoved. I just want her to wake up and let me hold her, and answer my question, but no. Nothing! I rest my head on her hand, hearing her steady heart beat.

" Please, Bella. Wake up. I love you.", I whispered.

" Edward!", I heard an angelic voice sing.

My head whipped up to see....


Cliff hanger sorry! Gotta go to bed and get an early start for testing... Keep reading!





I'm lucky I had time for this short chapter.










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