Clingy!Russia x America (Fluff)

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Hello peoples, thanks for reading this!

BTW this is kinda Cringe (My first oneshot with kissing)

Warnings: Slightly strong language, Kissing.

Thanks to @WorldYes for suggesting


 America POV:

       It was the early morning of a cold November day. I was sitting on his couch, scrolling through social media, laughing at a cringe photo my brother Canada had posted of himself hugging a beaver. I stood up and walked over to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee, taking about 2 minutes to do so. I returned and saw I had gotten a text message from my friend Russia, or at least that's how I would describe our relationship. Russia kept on calling me his 'boyfriend'. Russia was quite clingy like that, after all he had lost a lot during his life so he wasn't keen on losing the one person who made him feel appreciated.  Anyways, I read the text....

Russia: Hey Ame! I hope you're doing well! Anyways I just wanted to ask you if i could come over and spend the night, they're doing a small renovation at my house.

America: Sure, you can come over any time. Canada is coming over today too just to let you know.

Russia: Okay thanks! so you soon!

     I immediately started to clean up the clothes, trash, bottles, and over stuff that was littered around my room. Not that Russia would care, but it's a nice gesture at least. Oh, and of course I knew that the 'home renovation' Russia had been talking about was a complete lie. He just wanted to spend more time with me since, again, he has trust issues with people just leaving him out of the blue. At about 10:40 I heard a knock on my door accompanied by a person yelling "Amerika!" in a thick Russian accent.  I walked over to the door and turned the knob, revealing Russia standing at my doorstep, holding a bag and a bouquet of crimson red roses. 


R: "Hey Ame! Nice to see you again..... I got these for you...." *He held out the roses*

A: "Oh! Thanks Russia! Nice to see you again too. Come on in."

R: "Wow the place is clean." 

A: "Oh yeah.... I just cleaned it for you and Canada."

R: " Well thanks for that, so what do you want to do?"

A: "I don't know, maybe a board game, a movie, just a good ol' conversation."

R: "Okay... you choose."


        Russia POV:

         I walked into America's house and we booth sat down next to the TV, I would never had the courage to tell him this, but the truth is he's really cute. Even when he's yelling at his brothers or telling me to go away. I don't know if he's been picking up the hints i've left him though. Anyaways, America put the flowers into a vase as we sat together on the sofa watching a black and white war movie about a very long day. I Still don't know what is was about but Ame was enjoying it so I just tried to follow along, although to no avail. 

       We continued watching until we heard a faint Knock Knock Knock on the door. I turned to look only to see America jump up off the couch with a huge smile on his face and run past me over to the door. He slammed the door open and greeted Canada who had just arrived to stay the night over at his house too. I slowly got off the couch and started to make my way towards the door to say hi to Canada, my back hurting from sitting on Ame's worn out leather couch from 2008. I admit sometimes I got a little jealous about how excited Amerika was to see Canada, but it was his brother after all. The three of us sat back down on the couch, this time watching a documentary about the population of Canadian Geese.  

      After what felt like countless hours of watching that same goddamn documentary, Ame suggested the two of us go into his room and hang out. I gladly accepted, although slowly so I didn't offend Canada since I know how much he cared for his Geese. I didn't want it to seem I was board with the show even though i definitely was. I would admit I also felt like a creep the entire time after I got bored of the show , just started staring at Ame's back and hair. God i'm kinda weird. 

America POV:

      I lead Russia into my room, It consisted of only a bed, a table, a small desk, and dark blue walls.  Oh, and a huge pile of junk. Russia and I talked for a bit, it was nice to catch up after we had spent a few weeks apart.  Eventually we started to do other things such as playing darts, reading books, and building model kits. I will say, Russia has quite the talent with painting and building models. Eventually I heard Canada calling from down the hall, he poked his head into the room.  "Hey Ame, Is it okay if I make diner? I have a new recipe I want to try." "Sure" I responded, appreciating how Canada was always there to help out.  

    Russia and I continued to talk for about 30 minutes, laying next to each other on my large American flag styled bed.  I could tell Russia was getting quite flustered simply laying next to me, which I found funny and cute. Eventually the conversation died down he started to talk about his problems, something he rarely told anybody. He talked about how his father was an alcoholic, how he got fired from his job a few months ago, and how someone he thought was a close friend was actually just pretending to like him.  Russia slowly started to wrap his arms tightly around me while tearing up. I comforted him the best I could, not that I was good at comforting people, but I could tell it made him feel a little bit better. I asked Russia what I could do to make him feel better, Suddenly Russia's face changed, it turned from depressed to... happiness?  "Russia..?" I said as he hovered over me, his arms on either side of my chest. He gently lowered himself closer to me, and as soon as I opened my mouth to start talking.....


      We embraced in a warm, deep kiss, which felt like heaven and lasted for eternity, we must have kissed for 20 seconds straight, still laying ontop of eachother when suddenly...



     Russia and I quickly turned to see what happened, still holding eachother in their arms, only to see Canada standing at my doorway, mouth hanging wide open with a tray of freshly baked cookies lying scattered on the ground. 

"I-I'll come back later..." *Canada said as he backed out of the room and closed the door shut*


Thanks for reading!

I know this isn't my best work, but its my first oneshot kissing so I think It's alright.

Also 1172 Words, Nice.

Also please comment if you know what that movie about a really long day was, Thanks!


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