Chapter 2

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~~~~ This is my mental image of Gavin. Look down the right hand side --> ~~~~

Gavin groaned as his skull started to knit back together. It was a sharp cracking sound and ached something fierce. He blinked heavy eyelids open, confused and disoriented. He couldn't remember for a second why his body hurt or why his mind rang with alarm. Then he remembered the girl at the dance club, how he'd lured her in and enjoyed the night. And she'd been a plant to lure him outside to get jumped. The sex had probably not been in her original plan but she'd been more than willing when it came time for it.

And finally he remembered the little girl who's life he was supposed to save. Who may already be dead if the alarm in his spirit was any indication. Gavin didn't even wipe the blood off his skull before he started running, body moving unnaturally fast, hoping that his earthly pleasures hadn't cost a little girl her life.

The slut and her pimp had stripped off his combat boots and raided his pockets for all the cash. But he never noticed, mind giving him instinctive directions as he charged towards the fading life spark of a scared little girl. He was supposed to have been watching her, making sure that when everyone else abandoned her, she was never truely alone in danger. But he had failed her, she was supposed to only go under for a minute, a huge scare but not near death. Her friends were standing around the closed hot tub, tears staining their cheeks as they vainly struggled to open it, not strong enough to lift the heavy lid.

Gavin appeared to them as a fully luminous Guardian Angel. His skin glowed with an inner light, his power to call. It wasn't so much that he froze time, but instead moved himself in that moment, using up all his resources to give that little girl a second more, a chance to survive. He moved around the little girls and threw the lid back, revealing the floating body of Elonore. She wasn't screaming anymore, instead floating limply.

He grabbed her tiny form out of the water, carefully placing her on the ground. "Come on sweetie, don't do this to me." he pleaded and placed a hand on her chest. He sensed no heartbeat, felt no air stir her tiny breast. She was for all intents and purposes, dead. "No." he breathed, suddenly realizing his guilt. He had allowed this to happen to her.

"No. Not for this, not because of me." he whispered and reached out with his own soul's energy. A golden tendril reached out from his palm, sank through her skin and brushed her heart. He bent down and forced breath into her lungs, pushing again with his soul to restart her heart. Another series of breaths and another stroke of his soul. Still nothing. He could feel the efforts draining him down, stealing away his own essence as he tried to fix his mistake.

Tears rained down his cheeks and fell onto the little girl's face. She hadn't deserved to die, especially not alone. It was his fault and he wished nothing more than to save her. He was willing to give up anything to make her breath again, even his time in corporeal form. And with a tingle and a rush, he felt a great strength pour out of him, wrapped around her heart and massaged it back into beating. She coughed, water foaming out of her lungs as she cleared her chest.

"Shh.. shh shh.." he cooed to her, rocking her gently. "Easy there lovely, you're alright." he soothed, feeling her life settle back into her body. He felt the corporeal form he wore start to fade away, strength drifting off as his promise was fullfilled. He'd traded his physical form to save her life, and as she opened blood shot gray blue eyes to look at him, he would have gladly done it again.

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