Ace "Fate"

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Ace stood awaiting for what happens next, she closed her eyes in dread. She felt a hand on her shoulder, she looked to see deadlock reassuring her with a smile.

After a few moments she turned to see Optimus standing in front of her, finally face to face.

The rescue bots and humans, everyone stood in anticipation.

"Hi again. " she tried to break the silence.

"I was updated on the rescue bots situation, and yours as well. " he said

Ace stayed silent not knowing how to respond.

"I was also informed about your fight against Doomsday. " he continued. "...And how you spared his life. "

Wait, was Optimus mad? Or happy? Argh! Why is he so hard to read? She thought without making a facial expression.

"She proved herself that she isn't a monster. " suddenly deadlock said, defending her.

"And I am pleased to see that you have recovered." He said at deadlock, who smiled as he stood his ground.

"Optimus, " she started with a sigh. "My actions, during the war. All if them where-"

"Orders. " he finished. "I have conducted a search of the database, I see that you where often sent on missions that in turn made you seem more Intimidating, I believe it was to assist the Dicepticon's fear factor. "

Ace looked down breaking eye contact, she didn't expect this, and it was true.

"Ace, I was not aware that Ares assisted you in the gladiator pits. " he said to her.

'Assisted'? Torture was no form of assistance. She flinched rememberimg the pain, though treid to make it unnoticeable. Ares made an effort to keep the truth for arising.

"She just left. " ace said. "After the war broke out. Nobody even knows where. A part of me wanted to go after her...vengeance." she admitted

"Which brings us back to the fact that you spared Doomsdays life. " he continued. "You had the chance and reason to kill him, though you did not, providing proof that you have self control and Mercy. "

Ace thought deeply, she was well known for having no mercy, was that changing?

"And when heatwave asked for your assistance, you helped, you could have retrieved the vehicon and abandoned the rescue bots. " he continued, "as well as stay after it to meet with me, knowing very well it could end in your arrest, or worse"

She didn't expect any if this, she knew Optimus was smart and knew his way around words, but dang.

"Thank you" she said with a slight smile.

"And even the fact that she risked her life  to save deadlock. " the human Cody chipped in.

Optimus nodded at him, giving him another reason to say the following.

"Which brings me to the conclusion that you have proven that you are no demon, and although it is difficult to oversee your past actions, you have changed." He said.

Everyone stood in slight shock, and some looking happy, the human Cody, and deadlock among them.

"So, im not seen as a threat to the Autobots? " she asked to make sure.

"For the time being, yes. "  he confirmed.

Deadlock smiled widely and happily at ace.

"We will not arrest you, and you may continue on your journey. " he said.

"𝔸𝕔𝕖"  A Transformers Prime OC StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя