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Melanie's pov

I'm only doing this for Y/n. I pull up my dress so i can walk easily and march out of the ballroom. Y/n follows behind me. I smile that she decided to tag along.

"What are you about to do?" She asks.

"Change my form", i simply say. I close my eye and breathe in and out. Smoke forms at the bottom of my feet and works it's way up to my head.

Before i know it, i'm no longer Melanie or Crybaby. "Woah, that's sick", Y/n says.

She goes to hide and i walk into the principal's office. "And who might you be?" Leo asks.

"Hi, I'm Lorelai. I'm here to apply for the assistant position", i say.

"Right. The assistant position", he looked me up and down, biting his lip.


I slowly and seductively walk over to him. I lean in and brush my lips on his.

"You know, I've always had this fantasy", i smirk.

"What's that?" He asked.

"Of getting nailed in a really confined space", i look around the room as i speak.

"Is that so?"


He gets up and leads me to a closet. This dumbass. He opens the door and starts to undo his shirt as he walks in.

"Well you are in luck. I had a dream like this once."

"Me too", i slam the door shut and lock it, turning back into my original form.

"Hey! You bitch, let me out!" He hangs on the door from the inside. I run out and grab Y/n's hand. I missed holding her hand. We run into the ballroom, trying not to trip over our dresses.

The music record comes to a stop.

"Everybody, evacuate the school immediately. Go, now!" Y/n yells.

Everyone starts to go in different directions.

"Okay. How do we destroy this place? I don't know what to do. Do you have any ideas?" I say in panic.

"Bubbles. We agreed on bubbles." Y/n said.

"Right right, sorry i forgot", i say breathing heavily.

We begin to blow the biggest bubble you could ever imagine. The school starts to float up.

"We have to jump."

"Jump?!" Y/n yells.

"We have too before we get too high! Hold my hand." With that she grabs onto my hand.


I close my eyes and our feet's leave the balcony.

"What the fuck just happened?" Y/n groans.

"You guys are okay!" Angelita says.

"Oh my God, it's Lilith!" Melanie says. We all turn to look and see the goddess before us. The doors she arrived in are open.

"Woohoo!" Chelsey yells and runs into the doors. Angelita laughs and looks back at me and Melanie.

"You guys coming?"

Melanie looks at me and i look back at her.

"Will you come with us?" She asks. "Y/n!" I hear my name being called. I turn around and see Kelly waiting for me.
The End.

Brain and Heart | Y/n female x MelanieWhere stories live. Discover now