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Shinobu only had a second to react when she saw Giyuu's knees buckle and his eyes roll back in his head. Her body moved before she could think about it as she dashed towards him, catching him with a grunt before he could hit the ground.

He's still bleeding...

Shinobu felt the dampness under her hand, glancing down at Giyuu's side and seeing the patch of blood that was staining his clothes. Shinobu gritted her teeth as she lifted him onto her back and dashed towards their hotel room.

Come on...

Shinobu jumped towards the window of Giyuu's room, opening it with her free hand as she heaved Giyuu's unconscious form inside. Setting him down on a futon and removing his haori, taking off his shirt so she could see the damage she was working with.

Gash is still bleeding, seems to have avoided organs, breathing stable but labored, pulse is fine, signs of poison are still visible...

Shinobu ran through a checklist, vanishing from the room and returning less than a few seconds later with medical supplies. Moving her hands quickly and she gave him another dose of wisteria to help flush out the poison.

That should take care of majority of the poison, now for the cut...

Shinobu glanced at the wound, holding a hand out above it to measure it. Judging it to be the length of her hand, meaning that it wouldn't be deep but wouldn't be easily healed either.

I'll need a stitch or two so that it won't scar over, but that can be handled later. Stopping the bleeding is the most important right now...

Shinobu used a wet cloth and rag to clean the wound before she took out a case of bandages from her supplies. Using medical tape to secure the wound before wrapping Giyuu's torso to stop any chance of the blood coming back.

Come on...

Shinobu let out a shaky breath as she finished wrapping the last of the bandages around Giyuu's torso. Huffing as she wiped a bead of sweat off her forehead and sat back down in a heap of exhaustion.

Okay... it's done...

Shinobu glanced towards Giyuu, her eyes trailing the bandages around his torso that were stopping the bleeding. As well as the light rise and fall of his chest that signaled he was sleeping off the rest of the damage from the fight.

Thank Kami it wasn't deep...

The cut wasn't deep enough to damage any organs, and only ended up leaving a gash in Giyuu's side that would be fine with a few stitches. She would've done them there but sadly she didn't have the tools necessary at the moment.

His breathing should stop the gash from opening up again for a while, it should be fine to run to the Butterfly Estate when he wakes up...

Shinobu walked over to the window of the hotel, opening it to let the morning light enter the room as well as signal her crow over. Giving her a letter to give to Kagaya to report what happened on the mission, watching her crow fly off with a thoughtful expression.

Hopefully, Oyakata-sama responds soon, in the meantime I can-

"Shino!? Where are you!?"

Shinobu was pulled out of her thoughts as she heard the distressed call of one of the townspeople, looking down from the window to see a frantic woman running through the town. Shinobu's eyes went wide as she saw more and more people waking up and doing a similar thing, their voices desperate as they dashed through the streets.





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