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Tanjiro woke up the day after Giyuu left, feeling determined to keep up his training so that he wouldn't fall behind.

Tomioka-san said he would check on my progress when he gets back, I won't disappoint him.

Tanjiro jumped up, slapping his hands together to psych himself up.

Let's do this.

He peeked into Nezuko's room, "Good morning Nezuko. I'm going to start training, wish me luck."

Nezuko answered with soft breathing, still asleep and not looking to wake up anytime soon.

She'll wake up soon...

Tanjiro put on a smile as he pushed himself through the door, stilling as he saw the only table in the house empty.

Oh right... I guess Tomioka-san has been making me food before training starts...

Tanjiro shook the depressing thoughts out of his head as he made himself a quick breakfast, eating quickly so he could start training.

He took his training sword to the back courtyard, breathing in the morning air as he began warming up.

I can do this. Just make it to the lake and back. Then work on the first form.

Tanjiro took a deep breath, using what he learned as he ran through the forest that had become familiar to him.

I got this.



Tanjiro limped out of the forest, sword still in hand as he made it a little back a little before sunset.

Tomioka-san could have told me those traps were going to be more dangerous this time...

Tanjiro had cuts all over his body, almost falling into a spike pit as the traps got more and more deadly the farther he went.

I guess that's why I have the wooden sword now. I wouldn't have made it past them without it.

He breathed out slowly as he opened the back door, stilling as he remembered Tomioka's words.

Work on the first form until you can't anymore.

Tanjiro sighed, moving to the courtyard to work on the first form until he was too exhausted to continue.

I can do this.


Tanjiro woke up the next day, still sore from the previous day's training.

He pushed himself off the ground, wincing as he felt his hands cry in pain.


He stood up and looked at his hands, the blisters that had formed stinging with every touch.

Ah... These hurt.

He bit his lip as he moved through the house, giving a quick look into Nezuko's room as he passed through the halls.

"Good morning Nezuko. I'm going to start training again. I'll see you later."

He closed the door, wincing as his blisters grated against the frame.

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