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Aoi wasn't having a good day.

Stupid brain...

Aoi frowned as she looked over her shoulder, stabbing guilt piercing her as she saw Kanao practicing her forms in the courtyard. The flower breathed fluidly and gracefully, tracing her figure without a hint of resistance.

She's doing fine...

Aoi bit back the guilt she felt as she focused on her forms, ignoring the part of her that said Kanao liked to train whenever she was confused emotionally. She was probably still training even after her scheduled practice because she was worried about their argument a few days ago. The argument that Aoi had brought up because she was stubborn sometimes and she didn't know how to express it in a way that didn't hurt Kanao's still developing feelings.

Stupid guilt... stupid brain... stupid mouth that says stupid things... stupid... stupid... stupid...

Aoi grits her teeth as she threw herself into the forms she knew, moving as the training manuals had taught her to. Watching with every breath as the water flowed from her sword, albeit the strength and clarity depended on the forms she used.

"First Form: Water Surface Slash"

The water was clear, one of the forms she was better at using out of the handful she knew.

"Second Form: Water Wheel"

The water was strong and flowed smoothly, probably her favorite form out of the ones she knew. The feeling of being in the air and being able to exert control over her descent made her feel amazing.

"Third Form: Flowing Dance"

The water streamed at this stage but petered off at the end if she went for too long.

"Fourth Form: Striking Tide"

Sometimes the water struggled to stay consistent, probably her worst form.

"Seventh Form: Drop Ripple Thrust"

Water formed clearly and consistently, almost perfectly executed and her best form out of the ones she knew. A fact she attributed to Shinobu's guidance since it was the form she based her Insect Breathing on, and therefore the form she knew the best out of the water breathing style.

"Ninth Form: Splashing Waterflow"

Water formed spurts and pieces, appearing randomly with each step. Something she was fine with since it wasn't a form that she would be using much anyway.

"Tenth Form: Constant Flux"

Water formed weakly around her at first, Aoi having to strain her muscles to keep it flowing. The most taxing form she knew, and the strongest form out of the water-breathing forms. The one she practiced the most and the reason she felt she was ready to go to the final section.

Come on...

Aoi grits her teeth as the water started to sputter, forcing air into her lungs and strength into her muscles as she made it stay with her sword. Succeeding in keeping it with her throughout the entire build-up of the tenth form, until the water that was weak at the beginning had become a roaring stream.

The effects showed as she was able to finish the move with a blow to the training dummy that had more force behind it than all of her earlier moves combined, slicing the dummy in half like it was butter.

I did it!

Aoi smiled, panting as she dropped to her knees, forcing herself to breathe as she looked at her work with a tired smile. The force of the tenth form assured her that she could handle whatever the final selection threw at her, whatever the life of a demon slayer threw at her afterward.

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