Giyuu Gaiden pt. 2

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Shinobu had perfected her mask since her sister died.

She wore the beautiful smile her sister loved at all times, and she would keep it until the day she found her sister's killer and got revenge.

But hearing the words 'take care of' and 'kid' coming out of Giyuu's mouth made her mask vanish, the pure shock she felt making her jaw drop and her eyes go wide.

"...a kid?"

Giyuu tilted his head at her, a little surprised to see her without her usual smile.

She looks better this way...

He nodded, ignoring his strange thoughts, "How do I take care of a kid?"

Shinobu stared at him in shocked silence, trying to figure out if she was dreaming or not.

"...a kid."

Giyuu nodded, unaware of the crisis Shinobu was going through.

"You have a kid?"

If you asked Shinobu yesterday, she would have bet her entire estate, her entire existence that Giyuu didn't have a kid. That there was no way Tomioka-san, the person who thinks slaying demons is easier than talking, would have a kid.

I guess it's possible... he is handsome so-

She froze at the stray thought, shaking it out of her head as a blush stained her cheeks.

Where did that come from?

She focused back as Giyuu answered her question, "No, but I'm taking care of one. His name's Tanjiro and his family was killed by demons. I took him on as my Tsuguko but I don't know what I'm doing."

Shinobu let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, a little relieved for reasons she wasn't sure of.

Well, that makes more sense. I'm surprised Tomioka-san took on a Tsuguko but he probably had his reasons.

She regained her practiced smile as she answered, "Oh, that's not a problem. I've been raising Kanao and the girls for a while now. I don't know how effective it'll be for a boy but I have some things I can tell you."

Giyuu nodded, all of his focus on Shinobu as she thought of advice to give.

"I guess I should ask first how old he is. I'd have advice for most ages but I don't know what to do about anything older than Kanao."

And Kanao is a special case so there isn't much advice I can give about that.

Giyuu tilted his head, "He's twelve... I think. Or maybe thirteen?"

Giyuu had never really asked about Tanjiro's age before. Tanjiro did most of the talking so he usually just listened and nodded along.

Shinobu looked at him disapprovingly, "You don't know the age of someone living in your house?"

Giyuu shrugged, not seeing the relevance.

I still have to take care of him and Nezuko, their age isn't that important compared to that.

Shinobu sighed, praying for the poor boy that was under Tomioka's care.

"Well, that's about Kanao's age. She isn't the best at making her own decisions so sometimes I have to help guide her."

Giyuu nodded, thinking that he already had that part of it down.

I'm teaching him water breathing. There's not much else I can guide him in.

Shinobu mulled over it a little, deciding that it was probably best to just give Tomioka the basics.

"I guess you should just make sure that he has everything he needs. I don't know how long you're planning to take care of him, but if it's for the long run you'll need to make sure he isn't missing any necessities."

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