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John spent the whole day drawing up a tournament with Jun-myeon. As per the rules, Jisoo was not allowed to offer any input but she did see that Jun-myeln was picking all the harder courses and skills, things Jisoo was sure he couldn't do.

In the end, it was a simple Archery, then a Sword fight and closing with a Chariot race across the desert. Whoever came in first for the race, would marry Jennie.

After that night, during the week leading up to the Tournament, Jisoo never approached Jennie in her room again.  There were fleeting touches, kisses on the cheek and sometimes Jisoo would pull her into a dark corner and kiss her with all the desire in her body. Then they would stay wrapped up in one another for a few minutes before Jennie had to go in case the other guards got worried.

Now, it was the day of the Tournament and she was standing in front of the mirror, wearing all the armor she usually wore. Jennie suggested wearing the full sleeve armor and pants but Jisoo refused saying it looked ridiculous and she would end up looking like a statue. She mimed it and Jennie laughed.

She felt arms wrap around her and Jisoo stilled, not moving.

"You should've gotten used to my touch by now...I'm disappointed." Jennie grinned and Jisoo felt everything wash away.

She turned around in the princess's arms and smiled. "I'm sorry. But I'll always be on guard. No matter how who it is."

Jennie nodded and pressed her cheek over Jisoo's heart and hugged her tightly, pressing her body against hers.

The general felt all the tension leave her as she hugged Jennie back.

"You will be alright?", Jennie asked with concern.

Jisoo smiled. "This will be a piece of chocolate. Don't worry, Jendeukie."

She sighed and moved away to hold Jisoo's face in her smaller but firm hands. "Good. Cause I don't want to marry him."

Jisoo smiled widely and leaned forward to kiss her but Jennie leaned back with a teasing smile.

"For after you win."



Jisoo smirked behind the giant gate with Dalgom next to her. She smiled and patted his back.

No exaggerated introduction today?

"Hi everyone! I just found out recently that my daughter has been changing the announcer's script! Please ignore all those titles from before!"

Everyone, including Jisoo, broke out into laughter.

I knew it!


Jisoo quickly walked forward to the gate and almost lost footing.

She looked incredible.

She was wearing a somewhat risqué outfit as it showed off her her lean mid-reef. She was wearing a white long sleeved dress that hugged her torso and chest along with a flowing white skirt, sitting on her hips, that had various blue flower patterns on it. A diamond tiara sat on her dark hair with blond locks. Her hair flowed down her back in cascading waves and she held a hand up to wave to the crowd with a smile.

Jisoo swallowed as she saw her gracefully sit in her throne on the right of the King that overlooked the arena. Her leg crossing over the other in a manner that screamed royalty.


Leo came out in his cute little formal wear that matched John with Lisa trailing behind him in a black, long sleeved outfit and a shy smile as she sat next to Leo's throne.

After finding out about Lisa and Roseanne from John, Jisoo finally understood why Lisa refused to wear any other color besides mourning colors. Her hair always in a tight knot on her head and a bleak look in her eyes that always made her seem somber. It also explained how much more devastated she was when Roseanne was sick and how much she cried during the funeral.

Jisoo sighed. I hope Jennie and I don't end up like them. Separated by death infinitely.


There was some cheering but it was most definitely out of politeness.

She pulled herself up onto her horse.


The gate pulled up and Jisoo shot out, riding the horse with full concentration. Not listening to the crowd as much.

Her eyes only caught Jennie's and she saw the princess smile widely before leaning forward.

She waved her hand to Jennie and the the princess chuckled into her hand, waving back.

Jun-myeon growled as she jumped off Dalgom and smugly smiled at him.

Dalgom was taken away for the time being.

She was given her bow and arrow and The Prince was given his next.

They arranged a series of targets for both of them.

Jisoo faced him and said, " first."

The man gripped his bow tightly and snarled.

He hooked an arrow into the bow and shot an arrow.

It landed in the center.

There was polite cheering again.

He did the same for each target and suddenly Jisoo wasn't as confident as before.

She breathed in a deep breath before she cleared her throat and pulled an arrow back.

Jun-myeon watched with an arrogantly raised eyebrow.

Jisoo gripped the bow tightly and blew out a breath before she closed one eye and tilted the bow to the right a bit. She let go of the arrow and it went straight into Jun-myeon's. The steel tip pierced through the center of his first arrow to take in the spot of his now destroyed one.

Everyone in the stadium cheered and there was loud rumbling as they jumped up and down.

He blew out a breath and pointed to the other 2 targets but it didn't matter.

She had already won the first one.


To be continued 😉

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