A Fair Challenge

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A/N: Sorry if there are typos. I will come back and fix them!

Jisoo pulled Jennie against her and kissed her tightly. She sighed because nothing and no one ever felt so good.

She had been waiting to kiss her ever since she saw her gloriously naked all those years ago.

She traced her hands down to Jennie's waist and pushed her to the wall next to them.

Her back hit it gently but she was already pulling Jisoo to her with hard kisses, not wanting to break away from her hot touch.

Jisoo wrapped her arms around Jennie and trailed open mouthed kisses from her mouth, across her cheek, and down her neck.

Jennie sighed and moaned. She sunk her fingers into Jisoo's hair and gasped, "I want to touch you."

Jisoo brought her head up and her eyes were dark and heavy-lidded.

She wrapped her fingers firmly around Jennie's wrist and placed them underneath her shirt.

As soon as her hands touched Jisoo's hot skin, the raven groaned and dropped her head to Jennie's shoulder.

The brunette nervously moved her hands over Jisoo's hard body and Jisoo turned her face so that she could press a kiss to Jennie's neck.

Her eyes fluttered closed as Jennie reached the edge of her breasts. She quickly grasped her hands and stopped them.

"Why?" Jennie asked breathlessly.

Jisoo brought her hands down and placed her leg between the brunette's. Her hard thigh resting against her core.

Jisoo kissed her temple and said softly, "If you touch me like that, I will take you right here and I can't do that to you." She kissed her cheek. "Not to you."

Jennie sighed and turned her head so that her lips captured Jisoo's in a soft kiss.

Then slowly, the kiss became more heated as the raven seemed to devour her lips, sucking her upper lip then her bottom one with the taste of the cherries she had eaten at dinner.

They kissed and kissed and minutes flew by.

Jisoo couldn't get enough of her. She was like a breath of fresh air, flooding her brain with sensations she hadn't felt before. The women she had slept with were responsive but none of them were like Jennie.

She responded to Jisoo's every touch with a whimper or a moan. She never once pushed Jisoo away or ask for a break. She met every one of Jisoo's hot kisses with an electric eagerness that turned her on even more.

Jisoo wanted to touch her everywhere. Skin against skin. Feel her hot body writhing underneath her. Her back arching with her gorgeously long hair splayed across the white pillows. Her head thrashing side to side as she moaned her name from the things she did to her.

After about 45 minutes, Jisoo pulled away, completely out of breath.

She rested her forehead against Jennie's and closed her eyes. She let go of her tempting body and placed her hands on the wall behind her.

They were both breathing heavily, their breaths mixing with each other's.

"Jen...Jennie...oh my god...I just—"

She placed a hand on her cheek and said, "Jisoo..."

Jisoo wrapped her arms around Jennie's waist and tightened her arms. "I'm never letting go of you. Ever. I'm staying here. Right here."

Jennie smiled widely. "I'd like that too."

Jisoo sighed and said, "You're probably tired after the dance—"

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