Chapter 20

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As promised, Finn is at my apartment by noon with food, and the kids left at eleven this morning for their date, then hanging out at Jordan's dad's. Finn brought the best, and greasiest pizza in town with all of our favorite toppings. After he has entered the apartment, placed the pizza box on the kitchen counter, and I have shut the door behind him, he pulls me into a tight hug which I gladly accept and return. Gripping the shirt at the dimples at his lower back while placing my face into his warm, heavenly scented skin of his neck, and inhaling deeply. Finn lightly kisses my head a couple of times, and this simple action helps reduce my anxiety some, but not fully.

"Thank you for being here, and bringing comfort food for us to consume," I murmur into his neck with a light kiss to the skin.

"Anytime, love," he murmurs, and he gives me a tight squeeze before loosening his grip to a comfortable hold. "Are you ready for our favorite, greasy food?"

"Yes! I know the greasy food will help settle my anxious belly!" I giggle softly as we pull away, and I grab the box off the counter so we can eat  out of the box in the living room.

Finn grabs the brown cloth napkins from the drawer next to the silverware drawer, and grabs each of us a bottle of soda from the fridge, and joins me on the couch. I have placed the box on the coffee table, and have the box opened for us already.

"Do you think Charlie will show like she said she will?" he asks as we start eating our first slice of deliciousness.

"No clue, and I do not know what I am gonna say to her," I admit with a frown, looking down at my half eaten slice. "I want to tell her to fuck off, but on the other hand, I want to forgiver her, and have her back in my life."

"If she does show, sit and fully listen to her, then say your piece, and decide what you want," he replies, and I hum in agreement. "But whatever you decide, I will fully support."

"Thanks," I sniffle with a thick voice around the sudden lump in my throat.

"Anytime, baby," he softly smiles while leaning over to softly kiss my cheek.

At 2:15 p.m., there is a loud knock on the door, and I nervously stand from the couch to answer the door, and find Thomas and Charlie standing on the other side of me.

"Hi, um, come on in," I nervously greet, moving off to the side to allow them inside which they do with nervous smiles.

"Where are Jordan and Aria?" Charlie timidly asks while looking around as we walk into the living room.

"They are not here," I vaguely answer, feeling that she does not deserve to know where or what they are doing. "Aria did not want to be here if you actually showed."

Charlie's facial expression falls even further at my words, and I feel a little mean, but I shrug while saying; "She is super pissed at you for what you said and did to me."

"I guess I deserve that," she mumbles while picking at her fingernails.

"Let's sit down and talk," I suggest, moving over to the couch, and sit next to Finn, and Charlie and Thomas eyes widen in surprise when they finally notice he is here.

"Hello," Finn greets them with a smile as they sit down, too, and they greet him back while looking at me in confusion.

"Um, not to be rude, but what is going on between the two of you?" Charlie questions, motioning between Finn and me with a raised right eyebrow.

"We are dating, if you really must know," Finn answers while wrapping his arm around my shoulders, and pulling me into his side.

Snuggling into his side with a content smile as I place my hand on his thigh; "If you had let me be and not pushed, and bitched at me about what you wanted and expected me to do, we would not be where we are currently."

"True," she softly agrees with a small pout as she watches Finn and me.

"Why did you have to push the subject, and when I did not want to socialize that day, you threw away our friendship like it was nothing?" I ask, wanting to understand her.

She loudly sighs before saying; "I was being stupid, and was trying to control you, and what you did or did not do when it came to your romantic relationships. I was trying to control who you dated, and when you dated again because I felt I knew I was best for you instead of you. I cannot fully begin to express my apology for my bad behavior."

"That was the worst apology explanation ever," I reply, some anger slipping through my tone as I stare at her. "Apology not accepted, and no I do not want to be your friend any longer. You may leave my home, and my life permanently. Oh, and fuck you."

Her facial expression falls entirely at my words, and Thomas stands to leave the apartment, and he pulls at Charlie's elbow to get her moving, too; "Thanks for hearing her out, and making your choice."

I just hum as Finn and I stand to follow them to the door, and start to shut the door behind them, but before that happens, Charlie says; "I know you do not care, but I am truly sorry for my behavior."

I just stare at her blankly without a word, and they leave without another word, and I shut the door with a sigh. Leaning my forehead against the door, then bang my forehead a couple of times before Finn gently pulls me back into his body with his arms tightly wrapped around my waist.

Lying my head back against his shoulder with a frustrated groan as I whine; "Why did she have to believe what she does? Why couldn't she just let me be me, and move at my own pace?"

"I do not know, baby, and I wish I did," he murmurs, kissing the shell of my right ear softly. "The only thing I know is that she is, and has lost the most amazing man as her best friend because she thought her way was right instead of letting us develop naturally like we have."

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