Lies and Deception...

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You went downstairs for dinner, a scarf around your neck, it felt a little weird as you were still in your vest. Alastor sat next to you and sneakily rubbed his hand up your thigh; you'd never expect this kind of forwardness off him. "Alastoooorr..." you whispered through gritted teeth, nudging his hand away.

Husk sat on your other side, next to Angel. "Alastor, stop feeling her up- I know I'm broke, stop rubbing it in."

"Hmm, what do you mean, Husker?"

Angel sniggered, pulling out a hefty wad of cash, "Husky made a dumb bet on Charlie."

Charlie leant over the table, looking at Husk, horrified, "What bet-"

You realised and flushed red, "WE DIDN'T HAVE SEX!!" Alastor choked on spaghetti.

"What was all that noise then, huh, Y/N. You were moaning like me on-set." Angel took a swig from his drink, "If my motherfucker of a boss found out, I'd be out of a job!" You protested, insisting otherwise, Angel stood up and leant over your chair. He tugged on your scarf, "Then what are all these? Hickeys don't magically appear, sweets."

Alastor spat out a mouthful of food, "Angel, sit the fuck down." his voice was full of anger and was crackly, radio static filling the room. "Unless you want to die, you will sit down and shut up."

You shifted your chair closer to Husker's, your wing hitting into his, "Hold on..." Husk looked down at your pure white wings, "Y/N... you..." Husk ran his hand across your feathers, "Oh shit... she's started demonisation-"

"Huh?" Angel looked at Husk, confused, "Demon-a-what?" You looked to Angel, equally as confused.

Alastor looked at you, his grin fading, "Y/N, you're going to turn into a demon if you don't leave soon."

You looked at your feet, "I think I'd rather be a demon... than go back to being a duchess... with a monotonous life and horrible family." you looked up at Charlie, "I know it'll be dangerous for everyone though. Eventually, an archangel is gonna notice my holy aura and send someone to get me... and they'll kill people to do their job..."

Husk stood up and looked down at you, with a flicker of fire in his eyes, "Seems like a clear decision to me, what we gotta do... to keep safe..."

Alastor stood up, static growing louder and... this thick layer of an evil aura surrounding him, "You'll have to kill me to send her away, Husker."

"God no!" Husker slammed his fist on the table, "I love Y/N as much as you do, the last thing I'd even consider is sending her back to live with that monster!! Y/N's husband is pure evil, he deserves to be in Hell more than anyone in this room!!!" 

There was a sudden crash in the lobby, and the click of a crossbow. Husk's ear pricked, "We're too late-"

Fallen Angel - Alastor X F. ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now