to create a paradox.

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"Are the stones safe?", Strange asked as soon as they arrived.
"For now. Thanos won't get the Soul Stone as long as Gamora and Nebula are safe. We got the Time Stone, the Mind Stone and the Space Stone. So there are Reality and Power left", you explained.
"And where are they hidden?", Steve asked.
"Well... The Power Stone was in an orb."
"You mean like... The Orb?", Quill joined after greeting Gamora.
"Uhm... I guess."
"It's been a while but I had it back then. I stole it", Quill said and everyone waited for him to hand it over. "I don't have it anymore", he continued.
"He probably sold it", Tony said scoffing and rolling his eyes.
"I didn't!", Quill exclaimed putting his hands up, "Nova Corps got it. Said they'd keep it safe."
"Quill is saying the truth. Thanos got it from Nova Corps", you said sighing.
"Can't you just go back in time?", Peter asked and you looked at Strange who was sighing.
"Okay", he said, and everyone got confused except you.
"Are you sure?", you asked and he nodded.
"I trust you", Strange said, "you know more than I do."

Going back in time in a Nova Corps uniform you watched a conversation between the guardians and another person.
"Do we have a deal?", they asked.
"So, just to be clear, if we hand over the orb, we are free to go and no one will chase us anymore?", Quill asked.
"Exactly. You are like a newborn in the galaxy."
"And you'll keep this thing safe?", Gamora asked and the person nodded. "Alright."
They handed over the orb and you were the first to grab it.
"Let's go, we're finished", the person said and everyone followed them. Without anyone noticing you switched the orb to a fake one, threw it, and traveled back.

"So... what about the Reality Stone?", Natasha asked worried.
"That's something we are too late for I suppose."
"You just went back to... what was it? 2014? And you are saying it's too late now?", Tony asked angrily.
"I don't know how we should get it, okay? I have no information about that. So, no, I can't travel back to anything", you replied irritated.
"Is it enough though?", Steve asked.
"I hope", you replied, "As long as he doesn't get the others..."
"Can't you just do your little magic trick and throw them somewhere else?", Tony asked nipping from a drink he just made.
"Another Thanos or enemy could get the stones", Bucky concluded and you nodded.
"I need some rest and you should get some too", you said and left to your room.

It knocked but you didn't reply yet it didn't stop Bucky from coming in. "Go away", you mumbled.
"You need me", he said and sat down on your bed in which you were lying.
"No, I don't."
"But you need someone, you shouldn't be alone."
"Says who?"
"I do."
"Because?", you asked and Bucky stood up again.
"I can get someone else but I know that you remembered something and shouldn't be alone."
"How do you...?", you asked pushing away the blanket and sat up.
"I noticed the little twitch which I witnessed a couple of times when your memories were coming back. What did you see?"
"Hydra. Me. Is that enough?", you asked sighing and lying back again.
"There is more, what is it?"
"I have to go back. There is something I have to do."
"No. Just no", Bucky said and began to walk up and down.
"I have to."
"Do you know what you're-"
"Of course I do! I don't wanna do it but I have to!"
"You are NOT going to go back!"
"No, I-"
"LEAVE!", you yelled and he shook his head in disbelief, then left.
You had to go back, no matter what.

The very next day began and you took the time stone to travel back in time. But not your time - it was in the universe with the other Bucky where his wife had died.
"Y/n?", someone asked and you turned around. Steve.
"Shit", you mumbled, "I've got something to do, I gotta hurry. I'll explain it later!"
And without another word and the chance for him to react, you ran away. You were hiding in a broom closet when you tried to remember the coordinates Bucky had given you. "Fuck!", you cursed whispering because you were missing a few numbers, "You have to remember... remember already!" You were stressed since there wasn't much time left.
"Fuck it...", you mumbled and traveled to a position you knew was wrong but hoped it would be close enough to be there in time.
And suddenly you found yourself in the middle of nowhere.
"Well, that didn't work...", you said and tried again.
But it didn't work either.
"Goddamn, for real now?!", you yelled and a figure appeared a few seconds later behind a big rock. Or was it a small mountain? Whatever.
"Y/n?", he yelled.
"How does he-, oh no."
But he was already flying to you and you decided to run towards him as well. Meeting each other he, Tony, was confused.
"I just saw you go in, how are you here?", he asked and opened the helmet.
"I... okay, you know what? I'll tell you the truth", you gave up right away.
"You better", he mumbled.
"I went through time", you said showing the time stone and he understood.
"What went wrong?", he asked.
"A lot. And I have to get in there and stop myself."
"But I thought you aren't allowed to mess with time? Mister know-it-all is getting on my nerves with that shit all the time."
"That's unfortunately correct, so I gotta go in, take myself to somewhere else and everyone has to believe I am dead", you explained and hoped he wouldn't ask any further questions.
"You died? But how can you be here? Oh, right. It's a paradox", Tony concluded, though he didn't have all the variables and the answer was wrong. "Alright, what am I supposed to do?"
"Tell me the coordinates on where I currently am and don't tell anyone I am alive. Can you do that?", you asked and Tony hesitated. "Can you do that?", you asked again.
"Yeah, okay... but your lovebird won't like that."
"Don't ever tell him. Promise me."
"But he's gonna be so annoying if he-"
"Promise me!", you pressured and Tony sighed.
"I promise", he gave in.
"Thank you. Let's start then."
Tony asked his AI for the current coordinates of your position and gave them to you.
"Thank you. Whatever you'll gonna see now relating to me, keep it to yourself", you said and disappeared.

Reappearing in front of yourself, the other you was shocked and you didn't give her time to react, grabbed her and traveled back to the current time.
"Who are you?!", past you yelled and got in position to fight.
"You would have died if I wouldn't saved you", you explained but she didn't care and threw a punch.
"Stop it", you said, trying to dodge her attacks.
"Tell me who you are!"
"I am you, don't you get it?"
"No, I don't." Another kick from her in your direction which you dodged. "You're good", she said and you rolled your eyes.
"Of course, I am you."
"But not as good as I am", she said in another tone with an expression you didn't recognize and suddenly noticed a knife in her hand. It was like there was a whole other person in front of you.
Right before she would have hit you, Bucky yelled: "Stop!"
She dropped the knife and looked at him confused.
"She's-", she wanted to say but Bucky interrupted her.
"She's you. I know her. You're in the future now and a lot happened", Bucky explained, coming closer slowly.
"She's future me?", she asked.
"No. But almost", Bucky said, still sounding tough.
"She's from another universe, you don't exist there. It's only y/n", Bucky continued explaining.
"You're not y/n?", you asked turning to her again and a weird smile appeared on her face.
"No. But you kidnapped her", she said.
"Can you stop talking in riddles?"
"That's Q", Bucky interrupted and the girl sighed dramatically.
"Do you always have to ruin the fun?", she complained and Bucky chuckled.
"The green room...", you whispered and Bucky nodded.
"You were in my room?!" She was ready to fight again.
"I didn't know she was from another universe, so I tried to get back her memories - which she obviously can't have."
"That was so annoying!", you exclaimed and Q laughed.
"However, my y/n was experimented on by Hydra and they created something like DID. It's a long story but DID-"
"I know what DID is, Dissociative Identity Disorder. Is there more than Y/n and Q? Another Alter wanting to kill me if they'd front?"
"Nope", Q answered, "just me and y/n."
You nodded. "However, I gotta go back to my universe."
"Still Thanos?", Bucky asked and you nodded. "Good luck."
"Thank you. And now stop trying to stay tough. Go, cry your eyes out and finally hug her", you said grinning. He smiled scoffing and a tear rolled down his cheek.
"Thanks for bringing her back to me. It was a rough time", he said with a broken voice, the strength leaving him.
"I know. And you two deserve a happy life, so please, live it for me."
"Don't you dare die", he said, another tear rushing down his face.
"If it's true what I am hearing here, you better stay alive or you'll get to know me", Q threatened, "I don't care if you're not our y/n, but you helped us, so..."
"Being nice isn't your cuppa tea, am I right?", you asked grinning.
"Nope", she answered chuckling, "but I mean it."
"I'll try my best", you said and got ready.

When you were traveling back, Bucky was waving and smiling thankfully at you.
Whatever would come now, at least you helped one universe. Bucky got his wife back. Or wives? Trying to figure out what would be the right term, you got interrupted while finding yourself in the universe where you still had to fight Thanos. "Y/n", Bucky, your Bucky, said. Tears build up in his eyes and you looked at him confused.
"I... oh god...", he said, running up to you to pull you into his arms.
"What?", you asked.
"What?! You were gone for a while after telling me you have to go back to Hydra! That's what!" He was angry, hurt. Of course he was, but why was it so late? Did you make a mistake?
"Wait... how many days?", you asked and his eyes widened.
"Were you in your universe? Did you find back?"
"N-no. I was at the Hydra base."
"What did they do to you?", he asked.
"Nothing. They didn't even know I was there."
"Are you sure?", he asked, "Maybe they just removed your memories again?"
"No, I just-"
"Y/n, tell me the truth", he said warmly, "It's been 3 weeks."
Pulling out of his hug you examined his face, he was telling the truth.
"3... weeks?", you asked and he nodded. You made a mistake somewhere just as you did with the coordinates, which you usually always remembered. What was going on?
"Bucky, I'm fine. I was in another universe and traveled through time. I don't know why I was gone for 3 weeks but for me, it was only a day. I'm fine."
"Are you sure?", he asked.
"Yeah, I am very sure. I am fine, no one hurt me."

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