it leads you.

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"What are you doing here?", Bucky asked coming closer.
"I don't know... something is getting me back here over and over again. It's weird though... I feel overwhelmed and panicky yet calm at the same time."
"Is that even possible?", he asked sitting down next to you on the bench.
"Is it possible to be sad and happy?"
"I... think so."
"I think it's the events making it kind of... thrilling yet I have a gut feeling that this is a special place. And this feeling makes me feel at peace somehow."
Bucky nodded silently and watched the people walking by. A man who was going for a walk with his dog, a family with 2 kids trying to solve an issue and others who didn't acknowledge your existence at all. While the others walked by and out of sight, the family decided to sit down on the grass a few meters in front of you and take a break in the sun. The kids were running around and playing with a ball while the parents enjoyed having some time for themselves.
"It's nice to see people having a good time", you said after a couple of minutes of silence.
"Yeah, they seem like a good family", Bucky agreed with a slightly pained voice. "I... had a sister. I would have done anything for her, still would..."
"I guess I don't have to ask why..."
"No... I wish I could have been there for her and instead... I killed people. So many people..."
"I'm sorry", you said low. You didn't want him to feel bad yet you opened a wound that shouldn't have been opened. But... maybe it had never closed anyways.
"It's okay. I'm glad I can talk about her at all without lying in any way. It's rough when all you got is your team and not all of them are people you want to share it with. Or people you know still ask themselves if you can be trusted."
"I trust you", you said fast, almost like someone could take it away from you.
"I know. That's what I love about you", he said low.
"I said, that's what I like about you", he said louder. Of course, you had understood him the first time but you knew it wasn't good if he'd fall in love with you. Or at least... it wouldn't be good to take it further.
"Oh... thank you", you said a bit shy.
"Do you want to head back or do you want to stay here?", he asked.
"I prefer the park right now", you answered while still watching the family.
"Maybe you should stalk someone else though, the family could think you have bad intentions."
"Hm? Oh. Uhm... yeah. Yeah, you might be right."
"Come on, let's go for a walk then", he suggested and you stood up sighing.
"Alright, let's go", you agreed and you both walked through the park for an hour, enjoying the good weather.
Eventually, Bucky headed to the tower while you decided to walk around mindlessly, yet when you noticed it wasn't a good idea, it was too late:
You traveled back to your universe while being in public.

"Felix?!", you yelled panicky and he stormed in right away.
"What's wrong?", he asked.
"I... I...", you said hyperventilating. You wouldn't have thought that it would ever happen outside, you were good at keeping it together until you were home. Just then was the time to break down so you were sure it wouldn't happen. But it did.
"You have to follow my instructions now, okay? Deep breath in", he said inhaling loudly and long, "deep breath out."
You tried to focus on him and while it worked for a couple of seconds it didn't want to last longer.
"Hey, y/n, you have to listen to me. Please, ignore everything else and just listen to me."
"I... I... someone must have... seen me. What if... what if..."
"That's a problem for later, right now we have to focus on your breath, okay?", he asked calmly and you nodded.

A few tries later you managed to calm down but the problem was still there: who saw you?
"You are safe, remember that", Felix reminded you, caressing your back, "Good job."
"Thank you...", you said low and he shook his head smiling.
"It's alright. Wanna grab a drink?"
"No, thank you..."
"Then I'll bring you some tea, how about that? Turn on your TV and try to relax."
"Sounds good, thank you", you said and actually felt relief.
While he was making your tea you decided to watch a series about time travel. Maybe it wasn't the best idea but you felt like doing something this way about your multiverse-travel-time-stone problem without falling back into panic.
"Here", Felix said when he came back and put down the mug on your nightstand.
"Thank you", you said and smiled at him. He smiled back and left the room.
After a while of watching the series and drinking tea, you fell asleep.

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