is a burden.

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Your bunnies were cuddling in the corner of your room and you didn't feel like getting up at all.
It knocked and Felix said: "Come on, y/n, get up. It's late. One more time and I'll come in."
"Leave me alone", you said annoyed and heard him scoffing.
"Get up, you have to go to work."
Damn, you had totally forgotten that you had a life besides figuring out your ability and getting to know the Avengers. The whole switches between the universes were confusing you, it was worse than flying to another timezone since time was so much different over there. Days were just hours here, so how the hell should you keep track of everything? It was exhausting.
"Just give me 5 minutes", you moaned.
"No, you had those 5 minutes ago. I was nice, now I'm getting serious."
"Okay, okay...", you said sighing and throwing the blanket aside.
Getting up you changed into new clothes and walked out of your room.
"See who's alive", Felix said teasing while drinking his coffee and leaning against the wall.
"Not me", you said and grabbed a mug to make yourself some coffee as well.
"What's wrong? Still your mom?", he asked worried and studying you.
"Everything. My life."
"Depression, huh?"
"Shut up...", you mumbled annoyed, let the water run over your hand and splashed it at him.
"Hey!", he exclaimed and glared at you.
"You started it", you defended yourself and he scoffed.

The day was calm, your clients didn't talk much about trauma-related things and more about casual ones which you were happy about. Because casual things simply didn't need much of your emotional and empathetic space which you surely didn't have today. Sighing you dropped onto the couch and turned on the TV. 
"How was your day?", Felix asked and sat down next to you.
"It was okay. Luckily nothing special happened to-", your phone rang and you saw that you got a message from your mom:

"We have to talk."

"I guess my calmer day just ended", you said sighing and got up. Felix watched you leaving the room and you called your mom.
When you got to your bed and sat down, your mom said:
"It's me", you said.
"Great, you know it was your grandma's birthday", she said and you took a deep breath.
"Yeah. And you know why I'm not in con-"
"It's not about her, so spare your breath. It's about your other grandma."
"Why? Did something happen? What's wrong?", you asked fast.
"You know we don't see her quite often and she's a bit... difficult sometimes... And you know what we're thinking for a while now."
You pressed your lips together and tried not to cry. Nothing was lost just yet, she didn't have said it out loud. Maybe it was something different.
"I think it's time", she added.
"We have to prepare some documents and we will take care of her health now, I just thought it'd be important for you to know."
She hadn't said it yet. No way this was true.
"Are you still there?", she asked.
"Y-Yeah", you just got out.
"Don't worry, first we have to see what the docs are saying. In my opinion, it's only the early stage so we can help her with therapy."
"Are you very sure she has dementia?", you asked hesitantly, not wanting to hear the answer because you knew it already. The signs were there for years and the last time you met her you were worried because sometimes it seemed like she wasn't in the same world as you anymore. But you thought she was just overwhelmed with all those people around, being in the city center during the holiday season was a pain in the ass even for you. 
"Yes", she answered and your chest stung.
"How bad is it?"
"Don't worry, we will help her, okay?"
Don't worry.
How shouldn't you worry when she was the only person in your family who was there for you when things got rough, was progressively getting worse until one day she wouldn't recognize you?
You thought about the future, how you would never have a normal conversation with her again. How your biggest fear of losing her had already started to happen. 
How you'd lose yet another person you loved.
How scared she must be.
How much time you'd have with her until you couldn't bear that illness's emotional impact.
Or how long it would take until you'd break but would still keep doing everything just for her.
And how long she would live.
How it would be for her one day.
And if you would get the same when you were older. 
You were scared, so freaking scared you didn't know how to breathe. How to continue with your life. How to get over this bad news. And you felt guilty for it because it wasn't about you, it was about your grandma. It was your grandma who was sick, not you. In your thoughts, you weren't allowed to be scared or sad or anything else because you weren't the person with the illness.
God, why?

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