good and bad

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You walked into a room with band posters on the walls and on the dresser were a few crystals as well as a small cute fairylight. The bedsheets were in green and black and a few postcards were glued on the cupboard. While it looked nice, it wasn't quite your catch.
"Any thoughts?", Clint asked and you noticed a bass and piano on your left.
"It's a nice room? I don't know what you want to know from me. But it looks like the person is into music and keeps their feelings and thoughts to themselves. I guess they would get along well with Bucky."
Clint huffed smiling. "Yeah, well, kinda", he said, "anything else?"
"Hm...", you walked over to the dresser and asked if you could open it, Clint was okay with that so you did. There were a few weapons, oracle cards and a small console.
"I guess they are pretty much into spiritual stuff and wouldn't miss out on a fight. Or they are just anxious but since there are a couple of them and they are further away and not locked I don't think they feel unsafe."
Clint hummed thoughtfully and you walked over to the cupboard to look into it. The clothes were all dark and revealing except one shelve.
On that were basic and brighter ones. You found a box and opened it, in there were a few things as well as a few notes and you noticed it looked like your handwriting.
Going through them you were a little in shock.
"What... what's that?", you asked and Clint waited for you to conclude it yourself. The blanket in the box felt nice, there was also a fish plushy and a few postcards yet not the same like on the cupboard which were dark academia themed, no, those were in pastel colours.
"So... are they friends? Siblings? I don't quite understand", you said after reading the notes which were simply introducing the stuff inside the box. It sounded like they had to share the room but the other person was gone for a bit.
Yet Clint didn't say anything.
"What do you think about that person?", he just asked.
"I guess they offered their room to another person for a while... and they had to be close, I just don't quite understand in which way. I suppose the dark clothes are the owners and the brighter from their sibling?"
Clint nodded. "What else do you see?"
"Hm... the owner is more outgoing yet mysterious. Maybe wants to look tough but is broken inside. I think something happened to them", you said and Clint nodded.
"Yeah, that's right. You're pretty good", he said.
"Anything else you'd like to share?", you asked because you were still confused.
"Come with me", he said and you walked to another room.

"Well, that's more like my style", you said when you had walked in. There was a pastel pink wall and in general it simply looked cozier and happier than the other room. On the dresser were laying some oracle cards yet they weren't dark themed like in the other room and instead fit the rooms aesthetic of pastel colours.
Looking into the drawer you found a few drawing books and notebooks as well as some drawing supplies.
The clothes in the cupboard had the same style as the ones on that one shelve in the other room.
"I guess the person got this room after the owner of the other room came back?", you asked and Clint sighed.
"No, not really", he said.
"Then this person probably didn't like the other room and wanted one for herself."
"That's more like it. Any other ideas about the person?", Clint asked interested.
"Well...", you began and looked at everything again, "the person seems to be nice and creative. Even though it looks like they had a good life I feel like something happened and they tried to suppress it. Also while both have oracle cards, I think the other person is more interested in it than this one."
"What makes you think that way?", Clint asked, walked closer and shuffled through the cards.
"The crystals. Sure, it doesn't have to mean anything but my gut tells me the other person got them those", you said looking at the cards in Clint's hands. "Also your plan isn't working, there is nothing to remember. All I know is from what I see here, not more or less."
Clint sighed and put down the cards, on top of it was the card called "the universe is calling". You had no idea what it meant but the text got you thinking if those cards actually worked here.
"Tell me about the other person, Q I suppose?", you asked and Clint raised a brow.
"You know her?", he asked a bit confused.
"No. But Steve asked me about her and I got asked if I was Q, so... are they twins?"
Clint chuckled and shook his head. "No", he said, "but it would have been easier that way."
"What... what do you mean?"
"Just forget about it...", Clint said looking down.
"Is at least Q still alive?", you asked and Clint took a deep breath. He looked like he was about to cry.
"No, no she's not", he replied and turned around.
"It's okay. I'm sorry for asking. Maybe I should head back to the infirmary."
"Are you okay?", he asked and turned back to you.
"Yeah, no, I don't know. I just have to rest for a little... I feel a bit sick."
Clint nodded and guided you back to the infirmary so you lay down as soon as you got to the bed you were in earlier.
"Do you need anything?", he asked but before you could answer the door opened and Bucky walked in with a sandwich on a plate.
"I hope I'm not interrupting you two but you should eat something", Bucky said and handed you the plate.
"I don't-", you began but Bucky interrupted you.
"Please, you said yourself you probably didn't eat enough."
Sighing you nodded and he smiled.
"Alright, let's leave her alone. I don't think she likes getting watched while eating", Bucky said and pulled Clint with him.
Though Bucky was right, you were sad they suddenly left. Especially Bucky who seemed like he couldn't stand being with you.
You grabbed the sandwich and as soon as you took a bite, you began to cry. It felt like all the things you tried to hold together just crashed and you wanted to put the food away but at the same time you knew you had to eat, no matter what.
Taking one bite after the other you wondered if you ever ate such a good sandwich. Maybe the other Bucky could make you one too but maybe this Bucky simply knew you better.

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