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-Monday October 9th-

"Okay, so that's everything that you want for your dress, correct?" I asked.

I looked at my computer and watched Bridget's head bob up and down. "Yup." Bridget said, smiling. Bridget's birthday is on October 24th. So today I decided to call her at six when I knew she was done with her classes for the day so we could talk about her ballgown. I thought it would be a good idea to design it now, so I had plenty of time to work on everyone's dresses.

"Great." I smiled. "I'll send you pictures and updates about my progress on the dress. Since I most likely won't see you till Friday before the party, I'll have to alter it the night before. Hopefully, I won't have too much altering to do." Bridget's birthday is on a Tuesday, so sadly she and Owen still have school. So Mr. and Mrs. Finnegan decided to move Bridget's ball to the Saturday after her birthday. The ball is also being held at Ashton Castle in Galway because Owen and Bridget's school is located north on the very outskirts of Galway and it'll be easier for them to get back on Monday.

"Can't wait to see you guys!" Bridget grinned. "Now I have to go. I promised Rayna and my other friend Julie I would help them study flashcards."

"That's fine." I said, fighting a yawn. It's almost 8:30 and I have no idea why I am even tired. "Bye!"

I waved goodbye as Bridget hung up the call. I flopped back on the couch in my studio. It took us two and a half hours to figure out her dress. Bridget had a lot of ideas, some of which we had to scrap because they would not work. Usually Bridget isn't that picky about her dresses, but I guess because it's a ballgown for her birthday ball, she wanted something more extravagant. She said she wanted the dress to be the fanciest she's worn yet since she was turning thirteen and becoming a teenager. Which does make some sense.

I shut my eyes and am about to take a nap when I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in." I sighed sadly, opening my eyes and sitting up.

"Hey Milena." Declan smiled, walking in and closing the door behind him. I blinked the sleepiness away and stared at Declan. He's in dark brown, almost black dress pants that have almost no creases or wrinkles in them. He paired the pants with a cream button-down shirt and which is rolled to his elbows. Layered on top of the button-down is a light brown sweater vest with dark brown and cream stripes on the bottom and neckline. The neckline of the vest is a small v-neckline to show the collar and upper buttons of the button-down shirt. Although Declan tends to dress in black, white, and neutral colors, he does have style. His hair sits on top of his head in a mess of unruly curls, a few wild curls fall across his forehead. For some reason, I have the temptation to run my fingers through his curls and mess them up even more.

"Hey what's up?" I asked, looking at him. In the time I was admiring his outfit, he had made his way over to the couch.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me tonight." He said, a faint blush rising to his cheeks. "We have not been seen out by ourselves in a while. We still need to fuel the press to make this seem plausible." Right, I had forgotten about that. Everything so far had seemed so natural. Sometimes I would forget we were even faking.

"Tonight?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. "Isn't it a little late? And I'm definitely not prepared for a fake date." Today was a lazy day for me so I'm in paint splattered sweatpants, which I've slept in for a week straight, and a black crewneck sweater. My hair has been in a messy bun for two days because I haven't washed it since October 4th. The only put together thing about me right now is the fact that the lenses of my glasses are clean. The media would have a field day with my appearance right now, and I really don't need to be criticized for more things.

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