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-Saturday June 24th-

This week went pretty well. So far, living in the castle hasn't been so bad. Besides the four days working on the stuff for the ball, I've mostly just been hanging out with Alannah and Declan. Zach went home to spend time with his younger brother and parents after the ball, otherwise he would be hanging out with us. Sure, Alannah and I find him annoying at times, but we wouldn't have it any other way. Adjusting to the palace took some time, but I can certainly say there are a few things I don't miss about the cramped apartment in Dublin. For example, I don't miss sharing a bedroom with Hudson, who has become a teenager and is even more annoying. He's an early bird and wakes up at ungodly hours in the morning, and he would always wake me up as well. Usually in the most annoying ways possible. Alannah and Declan are not morning people, so they don't usually come in to my room till eight or nine. I'm a morning person when I want to, like if I decide to get up early to paint the sunrise, or to work on a sketch that I just can't seem to put out of my brain, or if I want food.

Since after the ball this week has been pretty slow. Alannah and I have mostly been hanging out in my studio. I work on my art and sketches and Alannah on her music and photography. She'll take pictures of me working to practice different techniques or she'll run songs she writes by me.

Today I'm dressed in a long green sundress that has white and black polka dots. The top is a halter top, and the dress has a waistband that ties in a bow which separates the bodice and the gypsy skirt. Alannah braided my hair last night, so it's still sitting on my shoulders in two French braids. Alannah and I decided to take advantage of the sunny and nice weather. It wasn't too hot outside, and it wasn't windy, perfect weather to sit outside and paint. So that's exactly what I'm doing sitting on the grass in one of the palace gardens, slathered in SPF 100 (Being ginger and pale means I don't tan at all. I just burn), painting flowers with my watercolors. Alannah is walking around the garden taking pictures and practicing with different lighting techniques. Alannah's in a black jean skirt and a tight pale pink crop top that fell about an inch above her skirt and had a ruffle, off the shoulder sleeve. Her hair is pulled into a messy bun with a black claw clip. Somehow she always manages to make the most simple of outfits elegant. I don't know how she does it.

"How's it going?" Someone asked, leaning over my shoulder. I saw auburn hair in my peripheral vision and the smell of citrus reached my nose. Which meant Declan is the only person who could be standing behind me because he's the only boy I know who has auburn hair and wears citrus smelling cologne.

"It's going good Declan. What are you doing out here?" I asked, turning around to face him. He was in a plain, loose white shirt and khaki shorts. His hair was even more tousled than usual and his eyes somehow looked bluer outside. And I was so close to him I could practically see the light dusting of tiny freckles on his nose and cheeks which from a far you don't even know are there.

"Owen woke me up early to go riding with him and then after breakfast I changed and decided to practice archery." The Finnegan's all had sports that they do. Alannah and Bridget do dance. Owen does horseback riding and soccer, or as they say, here, football. Declan does dance, horseback riding, fencing, and archery. Me, on the other hand? I most certainly do not do sports. I did gymnastics when I was five and then quit when the season was over. Me and sports do not get along.

"Cool. How'd that go?"

"Good." he smiled. "I shot thirty arrows. All of them hit the target, and I made fifteen bulls-eyes."

"Nice." I nodded, turning back to my painting. I decided to paint this yellow rose bush. There were so many yellow and orangey colors that I couldn't resist, and the greenery next to it was pretty as well.

"What are you painting?" He asked, sitting criss-crossed on the grass next to me.

"That rose bush." I mumbled, pointing to the bush as I painted.

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