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Karan's POV:

"Hey. What's up?" Isha's yawn makes the speaker crackle.

I can always count on my sister-in-law to answer the phone at any time of the day or night. It might drive my older brother crazy, but Isha was my best friend long before she ever became Dhruv's wife less than a year ago, so I get exclusive privileges.

"I'm currently staying at a hotel straight out of a true crime episode. Literally."

I shut my eyes as if that could erase the memory of what happened last night.

"What's wrong?"

"Turns out Advik and Hiya didn't know when choosing this place that Tejasswi was going to be here too."

"Are you talking about the Tejasswi?"

"The one and only." I chug the remaining bit of vodka from the mini bottle.

Since when has drinking solved any of my problems?

I'm not looking to solve them. I'm trying to numb them.

Don't get me wrong, last night was fun. It was different. It was sweet. It felt nostalgic. But honestly, it also felt like something which shouldn't be happening was happening.

It made me think, do I really want to go down that road again?

The same road that gave me love and affection for a while but eventually ended up with pain and heartbreak like all of my relationships always have.

I don't even know why I thought it would be different.

I guess I was just looking for a needle in a haystack.

The problem wasn't with the girl. The problem was me.

I wanted to see if I would ever find somebody willing to stay long enough. And I gave myself hope that Tejasswi might be that somebody but I was wrong.

So why would I want to go through something that I've already gone through once knowing the outcome.

It's like watching a cricket match knowing that we're gonna lose but still holding on to that what if anyway.

It doesn't have an impact on anyone else but you.

"So what's going on."

"Other than the fact that my supposed vacation has turned into absolute shit, nothing much."

"Oh come on, don't be like that. I'm sure it's not that bad."

"You think? We had what you would call 'a moment' yesterday night..."

"SHUT UP! You and her? Spill!"

"Well, we were unable to sleep and accidentally bumped across each other inside the kitchen."

I knew she wanted more information and I should have given it to her but something stopped me. Isha was my best friend but what transpired between me and Teja felt too private to share for some reason.

"I knew you were a goddamn sucker for her," Dhruv said with conviction.

"Dammit, Isha. Was he listening to us this whole time?"

"It's not like I have much of a choice when you're the one calling at seven a.m.," Dhruv replies for her.

"I need the moral support."

"Or congratulations based on the news."

I'm honestly up for anything but my brother making jokes and teasing me about Teja. I don't know what called for such a change in his character, but I can only imagine it has to do with Isha.

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