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Teja's POV:

I laughed as I chucked three shots of kamikazes back to back along with the rest of the people.

These four days had gone by so fast I didn't even realise they were over until now.

It was our last night on the tour so we had decided to go to a club.

The song had changed to something soothing, the starting beats slowly sinking into my mind as I swayed with it.

I wasn't drunk yet. I had a decent amount of tolerance when it came to alcohol and kamikaze wasn't as strong a shot compared to others but tiny effects had started taking place already.

Blinking my eyes, I made my way towards the disc setup where Aahana had already started dancing.

I closed my eyes and let myself lose to the beat.

Karan's POV:

I was preparing to take the winning shot at the 8 ball when my eyes wandered to the dance floor.

There she was, on the top, jumping and dancing like a child with no care in the world as the people around her cheered. Even from afar, I could see how her eyes were wide and bright as if she was living her entire life in the moment.

Unable to help myself, I let out a laugh. Good lord. She was such a kid. Who would even think she was a 28 year old woman?

As if my thoughts had conjured her up, she got off the stage and walked towards me.

She stopped a server on the way and took a glass of vodka from the tray he was holding.

"Aren't you drunk enough already?" I asked her.

I paused right behind her, our bodies almost touching and reached for the glass in her hand, freeing it out of her grasp. She seemed quite drunk and the last thing I wanted was for her to completely lose consciousness.

Teja's POV:

Facing him was a bad idea. The moment I did, our eyes met and everything around me felt like it was dissolving. There it was...the look I didn't understand. The look that made me feel dizzy enough to send me spiralling.

I forced my gaze away, "Not quite."

I took a step back to put some distance between us, but I tripped and stumbled into him, my hand gripping him for support.

Karan reacted quickly. He caught me before my legs gave way, his arms wrapping around my waist as he drew me closer to him, steadying me on my feet.

If I had been feeling the tingling burn of our intimacy earlier, my skin was now on fire.

I know I was supposed to stay away from him at all costs but my heart wasn't listening to what my mind was trying to tell it.

At present, all I could think of was his hands around my bare waist and his lips inches away from mine.

I know it's the liquor, but for a split second there, it felt like he was equally affected by our proximity.

But the moment soon got over as he caught himself and broke free from the grip.

He cleared his throat and was just starting to excuse himself when I made a quick and definitely hasty decision.

I had no idea what made me do what I did next since I really didn't think it was a good idea to communicate with Karan in my inebriated state but my heart wanted something else.

Snapping out of my reverie, I grabbed hold of Karan's hand and demanded, "Dance with me."

Karan's POV:

I would have never thought Teja to be so forward so I was pretty sure this was the alcohol talking. But they said alcohol usually brought out honest feelings in people so did it mean she wanted me in some way?

Despite the warning bell going off in my head, I let her lead me to the dance floor, avoiding our friend's stunned glances.

"You have got to be careful while making such requests, you know? You'll give off the wrong impression that you still like me."

We fell in step, letting the rhythm control our movements, as I twirled her around.

"What if I did?"

She questioned me in return, snaking her arms around my neck.

My breath caught in my throat as I took in her words.


She can't mean-?

Can she?

I'm overreacting. She's drunk and she probably doesn't even know what she's saying.

But none of that helps the way my heart is beating a mile a minute when this does not even make any sense.

Though honestly, I don't want things to be making sense right now.

I just want to enjoy this moment while it lasts.

So I kept my mouth shut and drew her closer to my chest.

Closing my eyes, I let the song work its magic.

You're the light, you're the night
You're the colour of my blood
You're the cure, you're the pain
You're the only thing I wanna touch
Never knew that it could mean so much, so much

Uncontrollable feelings surged through my body as my hand brushed across her cheek. My body was acting on its own, no chains to hold me back from this pure paradise.

You're the fear, I don't care
'Cause I've never been so high
Follow me through the dark
Let me take you past our satellites
You can see the world you brought to life, to life

I allowed her to take me anywhere she pleased on this dance floor. She went right, I went right. She sped up, I sped up.

So love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do
Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do

We became one with the song, with the dance and with each other.

A/N: Sorry for not updating, I have been a little busy since the past 2 days but I hope this chapter makes up for it.

It took a lot of time for me to pen this down as I'm not the best at writing intimate scenes so I would love to get your feedback on that.

Do vote and comment if you liked this one!

Until next time.

Lots of love,

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