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Teja's POV:

When I opened my eyes, I was back in my hotel room.

Yesterday was our last day on tour and we were supposed to be back by midnight. The curtains were drawn so I couldn't tell the exact time but it was somewhere around mid-afternoon.

The events from last night were mostly a blur and as I tried to force myself to think of them, blood rushed through my head bringing yet another headache, this time a milder one. UGH. Hangover.

I groggily sat up and reached for my phone. Just as I was about to hit the call button, Aahana came barging into the room with a black coffee in one hand and aspirin in the other.

Despite the pounding of my head, my heart warmed at how well my best friend knew me to be there exactly when I needed her.

She dropped the coffee and the medicine on the side table before drawing the curtains.

"Who asked you to drink so much?" Aahana rolled her eyes as she sprawled next to me.

"I wasn't going to but then Hiya was singing and Advik was urging me to let loose and the bartender kept giving me shots...I couldn't refuse." I took a sip of the coffee and sighed.

"I have vague memories from last night...I didn't do anything stupid, did I?"

I didn't remember any major details but had flashes of Karan stopping me from doing something stupid, us getting into an argument but not much other than that.

"Karan..." Aahana said, her voice trailing off.

My eyes flew wide and I panicked internally, "Oh god what did I do?"

"No you didn't do anything I guess...well, not in front of me. I can't say anything about you dragging him along to dance though."

Dancing? I asked him to dance? I remember a flicker of a memory passing through my head but I thought it was just a dream. I fell silent not knowing how to respond.

"He still likes you."

Aahana's words made me choke on my coffee. Especially because she didn't say it like it was a question or a suspicion. She said it as if it were a fact. Like the sky is blue or the stars twinkle at night.

"What?!" I finally sputtered out.

"He still likes you," she repeats.

"Of course not...you're just saying anything now."

"You're getting defensive. You still like him too, don't you?"

"Aahanaaa" I chided.

I rolled my eyes at her but I very well knew that the red tint on my cheeks told a different story.

Aahana pursed her lips. Uh oh.

"Tejasswi Prakash, I am your best friend. I knew you when you had your first crush so don't insult my intelligence by suggesting otherwise. I can tell how you feel and don't sulk. He was pretty obvious too. I mean no one takes so much pains to ensure that their ex girlfriend is safe. Not to mention, how he rushed back to check on you...he's Karan Kundrra he wouldn't ruin his night for just anyone."

My heart skipped a beat. Is she serious?

"He even texted me to let me know that he was sending you home and to keep a check on you when we returned back to the hotel. But you don't like him, right?" She wiggled her eyebrows at me and smirked satisfactorily.

Great. Even Aahana was enjoying at my expense.

I knew she was telling the truth but a thought kept bothering me. "I thought...I mean I remember we had a fight."

She furrowed her brows in confusion, "Are you sure? Because it didn't look that way to me. Though he did look a little stressed when he came back after dropping you to your car."

The memories suddenly came rushing back.

You'll give off the wrong impression that you still like me. What if I did?

Can you stop acting like an overprotective, territorial asshole? You're not my boyfriend anymore, Karan.

I miss having you take care of me. Even while you're shouting at me. I know it's because you care.

You have no idea how much I miss you.




I groaned and put my head between my hands cursing myself for letting things get so out of control.

I had been doing such a good job of avoiding him and making sure an episode like this does not take place.

Now what? I'm back to square one because of my sheer stupidity.

I glance up to see Aahana looking at me with a bemused expression on her face.

As much as she loves to tease me, she's also the one person who's always there for me when I need her.

"Thanks" I say softly, wrapping her in a hug.

I know I've not been a best friend to her lately. Partly because of my busy schedule. But it's no excuse. This trip was a way to make amends with her and Naina because of my carelessness.

I'd gotten so thrown off because of Karan, I'd totally forgotten.

But I'll do better now.

She rubs my back and says, "There's someone else who deserves a thank you as well." and leaves the room.

I know she's right.

If he wouldn't have been there, I don't know what I would have done.

I take out my phone and type a simple thank you. I know it's not much but I can't take the risk of giving him the wrong idea somehow.

His reply comes back a minute later, "You're welcome."

And then a few minutes later, almost hesitantly, "If you need anything, just let me know."

I had no frame of reference for the strange fog clouding my brain, or the twinge in my chest when I was still looking at his message.

It wasn't annoyance, like with Advik.

It wasn't happiness, like with Aahana.

It wasn't dismayed or aggravated or any of the other emotions that had shaped my previous interactions with Karan.

I didn't know what it was, but it unsettled the hell out of me.


A/N: Please don't be a silent reader and do vote and comment if you found this chapter to your liking. Your feedback means the world to me!

Until next time.

Lots of love,


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