1. Birthday Cards and other... stuff..

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"You do it"

"No, you"



Tinn inhaled, placing his index finger and thumb on the crook of his nose. Gun was staring (glaring?) at him, his hands on his hips, feet tapping on the grated concrete to a nonexistent beat.

If looks could kill..

"Well?" Gun rose his eyebrows, "get going"

Tinn swirled around, missing the satisfied smirk on Gun's face, and marched forward. He hung back at the entrance, sucking his bottom lip, hesitating. A quick glance at Gun (who was gesturing at him to get a move on) made him clear his throat, before walking into the convenience store confidently.

He paused at the birthday cards section, fingers roaming on the polythened cardboards, unfocused. Craning to look at the cashier, his jaw dropped.

Dammit. It's a girl.

He turned to the door, his eyes apologetic as the door swished open and he soon joined Gun, who was sighing heavily at the sidewalk, scratching behind his ear furiously.

"I can't-" Tinn started but was interrupted (quite rudely, he had to admit) by Gun.

"Are you being a chicken?"

"Who's the chicken?"

"You're the chicken"

"I'm not a chicken"

"Yes, you are"

Tinn sighed again, and shook his head, puppy eyes prominent. He knew moves to get Gun to cave in, even if he wasn't proud of them. Gun let his fingers run through his hair before dipping his fingers into Tinn's hand for the money and took large strides towards the convenience store, mumbling to himself.

Tinn stares after him, a smile lighting up his face, eagerly waiting for Gun to return to him just like he did, empty-handed. Gun was fumbling through the birthday cards, just like Tinn did and looking at the cashier as well. She was doing her homework, probably, with a pair of AirPods in her ears, bopping to music at random intervals.

Grabbing the nearest card, Gun walked to the counter, placing it on the table. The girl removed her AirPods and started billing the card when Gun placed a box of condoms on the counter as well. The girl looked up at him, an eyebrow raised and Gun fumbled once again, nervous.

"M-My grandma asked me to.."


"For her birthday" he muttered, tapping at the card rapidly, "I mean the card"

"Your grandma?"

He looked down at the card that he picked which read in bold letters 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARLING', and cringed. He could feel the judgmental eyes of the girl on his face and he actually felt extremely exposed. He has been dumb before (multiple times, his conscience nudged, not so helpfully), but this was even beyond that. He was acting like a preschooler.

"I love her..?"

The girl giggled. Actually giggled. Gun's fingers ran through his hair once again, as she shook her head and billed both the card and the condoms without asking more. The doorbell rang just that moment, signifying the entrance of another customer and staring at the neatly wrapped box on the counter, Gun froze.

"Everything alright?", came Tinn's comforting voice and Gun watched as the girl's eyes glazed over. 

Of course, she was amazed by his beauty. Who wouldn't? Despite Tinn reminding him that it was actually Gun who looked beautiful, with moles peppered on his face (which Tinn loved sketching with his lips), in Gun's mind, it was Tinn who looked beautiful. Towering him and providing him with unexpected safety, Tinn was breathtaking. His smile was breathtaking, his eyes were breathtaking, his entire self was breathtaking. And inwardly, Gun smiled.

This breathtaking being is mine.

"What are you doing here?" Gun asked, leaning back so only his boyfriend could hear him, purposefully pressing his elbow in the other's stomach, to solidify his possession to the girl at the counter.

Tinn leaned closer as well, covering his mouth with his hand to whisper, "She was giggling at you"

Gun snorted, shaking his head at his hopeless lover and stared at him; eyes twinkling with immense warmth and unconditional love.

"Are you really getting jealous? Now?"

Picking up the bag without sparing a glance at the girl, Gun scratched his boyfriend's chin, which didn't go unnoticed by the girl, whose eyebrows quirked with curiosity, all her hopes and dreams about Tinn getting dashed in seconds.

"I already bought it. You're getting jealous now?" Gun was smiling at him, nodding at the bag.

Tinn flushed red, and turned around, mumbling a soft "let's go" under his breath as Gun laughed, tracing his steps, while shaking his head. He was cute, rightfully so.

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