6. Shaved ice, anyone?

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Helping out at Gun's mother's milk bar always brought a certain comfort that Tinn couldn't amount in words. Ever since Gim's other employee, Tar went on maternity leave, both boys have been helping out. Whilst enjoying the free spirited nature of the milk bar, Tinn also enjoyed bumping into the other waiter, accompanied by soft, playful smiles (he knew that Gun was blocking his path on purpose at times), and some accidentally-on-purpose hand grazes that didn't escape Gim's notice.

Teenage boys, she would say to herself as she carried on with her work.

And on that particular afternoon, a week before leaving for university, Tinn had generously offered to help at Gim's milk bar, promising his mother some quality time after he came back. The restaurant was buzzing as usual, but Gim noticed a sudden growth of college girls who hoarded the milk bar, more than usual, thanks to her handsome son and his boyfriend.

Gun was busy with the shaved ice machine, as Gim was behind the counter, putting a couple of caramel buns into a bag. Tinn slid next to Gun, the tray ready as he bounced on the balls of his feet.

"Hurry up"

"Stand still"

"They're apparently in a hurry", Tinn whines as Gun turned to look at him to glare.

He turned to look at the so called impatient customers and paused. It was three girls, with phones whipped out, taking countless pictures of.. Tinn? As Tinn kept staring at the wooden spoon in Gun's hand, he watched it break in half in confusion before looking up at his boyfriend. Gun was glaring. Practically shooting laser beams at the giggling girls, and Tinn had to take a double look before realizing that they were taking his pictures.

"Excuse me-" started Gun but was blocked by Gim, who positioned herself between her son and the fans.

"I don't think you should take pictures of someone without asking for their permission, do you?"

"Oh-" one girl lowered her phone before looking up at Tinn, batting her eyelashes, "P'Tinn, can we take some-"


All the girls looked at the the other boy, who spoke up, face contorted to yell at him for jumping in, unasked and they stopped. They only noticed P'Tinn and didn't even realize that the other worker at Mrs. Gim's School Milk bar was extremely attractive as well.

"Oh my god, who are you?" Asked another girl, who raised her phone to almost snap a picture of Gun, before Tinn interrupted.

"If you already had your orders, could you leave?" Asked Tinn, "we don't want to be bothered"

The girls stared at the three of them, slack-jawed and sputtering wordlessly. What was this sudden attitude with these beautiful boys? And their mother/employer?

"P'Tinn, can I have your number?" Asked a girl who was definitely braver than the rest.

Gun turned to look at the long haired girl, who, if he wasn't completely in love already, he would consider as very pretty. He noted from the corner of his eyes how Tinn looked at her for a beat longer than necessary, and he turned his head so hard (he was sure he broke a bone somewhere), to see Tinn gently place the tray on the counter.

"What for?", he asked, voice delicate and soft as always.

"S-Some school council t-things.." she dragged earning nods from the rest of the girls.

"I've graduated", Tinn replied casually, "and as you can see, I'm at work. I'm also-"

"He's taken", drawled Gun, his eyes shining with determination.

Gim turned around, stifling a giggle. Even Tinn zeroed on him with a 'what are you doing?' look. Gun scratched the back of his neck, not expecting the girls to just stare at him, waiting for an explanation. He honestly anticipated them to throw a tantrum and leave. But they were staring.


Crap. What now?

Tinn covered his mouth with his fingers and chuckled, disguising it as a cough, which earned a look from his boyfriend. Gun looked like a deer caught in headlights. Tinn was staring at him too, but then decided to urge him on.

"Oh, I am?" He asked.

Shameless, thought Gun.

"Aren't you?", asked Gun, his eyes narrowing dangerously.

"Hm", nodded Tinn, wrapping his arms on his chest, to stare at Gun, pointedly, "I wonder who took me away"

If Gun could've punched him, he would. Right then and there.

"Phi, are you two..", the pretty girl started, using her index finger to motion between the two of them.

".. yes.." Gun started, unsure about where the conversation is going.

The girls whooped, clapping rigorously and jumping. Gun was pushed back at the counter as he fumbled and sat on a bar stool with the girls' excitement. Tinn laughed, a symphony in Gun's ears, as he looked up at his nodding boyfriend and grinned, toothily.

"You two are matchmaking each other with someone, aren't you?", asked the shorter girl as they stopped giggling.

It was the boys' turns to stare at them slack-jawed.

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