Well...that escalated quickly.

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I ran and ran until my legs could no longer carry me any further. I stopped and looked around, finding myself hoping to see someone chasing me, trying to catch me. Landon, perhaps. Suddenly realizing his explosion a few minutes ago, and ready to apologize. We could go back to the party together, and things could return to normal. We could be us.

His words still haunted me. ‘We’re done, Jenna! And so. Are. You!’ I cringed as they skirted across my memory. Fresh tears welled up in my eyes, and very seriously threatened to overflow. Blinking my eyes feverishly, determined to get my emotions in check. Just where the heck was I, anyway? Glancing around, I realized that I had ran just to the outside of Landon’s gated neighborhood. In my haste, I had left my purse at his house. Oh well, there wasn’t really anything to endearing in it anyhow. Just some lip gloss and mascara. Maybe an extra ponytail holder and some loose change. With all of the people that attended Landon’s parties on the regular, I knew better than to leave anything worth something lying around. It was bound to disappear. 

I sat down on the edge of the curb and brought my knees up to my chest. Should I go back? How would he react if I did? Could I use the excuse that I just wanted to retrieve my purse? No, I couldn’t face him right now. Or anyone else, for that matter. I just wanted to be alone and sort through everything swimming around in my head. 

I began the long, cold walk home with my head down. I had also left my sweater in Landon’s H3. Great. Now I was going to have a broken heart and pneumonia. My feet ached from walking barefoot on the cold, wet pavement. Add my shoes to the things forgotten at Landon’s. I had kicked those off before we had ever went upstairs. Good thing I wasn’t too fond of them, I thought dismally. 

What seemed like days later, I finally reached the edge of my own lawn. My feet were caked with mud and grime, and I wanted nothing more than to take the hottest shower of my life, and collapse onto my bed. 

Darla, my American pit-bull terrier that Mom had gotten me a few months ago for my birthday greeted me at the door. 

“Hey, Darla,” I squeaked out, patting her head as she jumped up, landing her front feet on my leg. Making my way to the bathroom at the back of the small house, I turned the faucet on almost as hot as it would go. Turning around, Darla was sitting in the doorway, her head cocked to one side, eyeing me curiously.

“It’s been a hell of a day, sweet girl,” I said with a sigh as I pulled my wrinkled, sweat soaked dress off over my head. Stepping inside the shower, I let the hot water beat down onto my face swollen from crying. The steam seemed to curl and twist itself around me, covering me in a foggy blanket. Breathing in and out slowly, I was soon starting to feel better. 

By the time I had finished in the shower, I had come to the conclusion that this was just some huge misunderstanding and I’d be able to talk to Landon sometime tomorrow to straighten everything out. 

Yes, tomorrow. Everything would be better, I thought, as I slid underneath the covers, Darla curled up next to me, already sound asleep and snoring.


The next morning, I woke up singing a song from ‘Annie.’

“The sun’ll come out…tomorrow…Bet your bottom dollar…that tomorrow there’ll be sun! Just thinking about… tomorrow..clears away the cobwebs…and the sorrow…” I continued singing the parts that I could remember as Darla followed me anxiously to the front door so she could go outside and take care of business. 

As I opened the door and watched her bound out into the yard, I glanced down and noticed a brown paper sack on our front stoop. Picking it up, I peered inside, and pulled out my sweater, purse, and shoes that I had left at Landon’s last night. That was sweet of him to drop them off, but I wondered why he didn’t just call or come inside. 

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