Prologue: 2000 years ago

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Jisoo pulled the spear out of her stomach and gasped as it fell to the ground.

She fell to her knees and clutched her stomach in pain.

There were stab wounds across her back and shoulders, cuts across her arms and she had blood trickling from one corner of her mouth.

Jisoo pulled off the heavy armor until she was left in the white silk shirt covering her body with bloody stains.

She wiped her face of the cold sweat falling down and looked up.


Her princess was lying against a rock, beating towards the end of a very steep cliff.

She had a stab wound close to her heart and she looked...tired.

Jennie raised her hand towards Jisoo and said, "Jisoo...." Her hand which was covered in the paint she had used to paint the beautiful picture of gallant Jisoo saving her, on the rock as she told everyone exactly why she loved Jisoo.

Why she would pick Jisoo over her own life.


The solider swallowed down the tears that shook her upon hearing the weakness in the princess's face.

She came closer all the same and Jennie smiled. It was small, genuine and pierced Jisoo's heart like it did all those other times before.

"I want to hold your last time."

Jisoo winced and stood up.

I would walk through the seven circles of hell for you, Jennie.

She took another step forward and yelped in pain, crashing to the ground. Her ankle was broken. Pain was searing up her leg and pulling near her eyes until they watered.

After all the fighting, killing and damage she did, the one thing stopping her was a broken ankle and Jennie's pain.

She glanced up at Jennie whose hand had dropped. Her eyes started to close. "Jisoo...Jisoo..."

Her body started to lean to the side and Jisoo watched in horror as she slowly fell down the cliff.

Jisoo jumped off after her, without thinking. Pushing her body through the wind to catch her hand, arm...anything.

She grabbed a branch of a tree growing down the side and managed to catch her forearm.

Jennie smiled sadly up at her. "How did...we...come here?"

Jisoo struggled to hold both of them.

Jennie let go of her arm until it was only Jisoo holding onto her. "Let go, Jisoo..."

Jisoo shook her head. "No...I-I love you."

A tear fell down Jennie's cheek. "I love you too."

Suddenly, the tree branch snapped and they both plummeted for the crashing river down below.

Jisoo tried to hold their hands together but the wind pulled them apart. Her hand losing grip and her fingers dragged across Jennie's palm and away. Jisoo could only watch as the love of her life that she tried to protect, fell to her death alone.

Jisoo closed her eyes and admitted defeat.

There is nothing to live for anymore...

She hit the river with the crashing water covering her and pulling her into its dark depths.


I'm too late...

Jinyoung stared down and watched as the only warrior that could defeat his army of 500 and more men, single-handedly, died...

For the woman she loved.

He swallowed down his sadness and tears.

He slowly walked over and picked up Jisoo's armor. It was made of plain steel and painted with the Ganghan coat of arms across the center of it.

He slowly stacked wood into a funeral pyre and placed the armor on top.

He took the fire torch on the side and lit it up.

The fire raged and burned the wood, turning it black and to ash. It slowly crept it's way to the armor.

He raised his hand over the fire and said, "I swear will be will be with your love once again...and next time, you won't be letting go of her."


To be continued 😉

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