Chapter 35 [3/4]

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~Bodil's POV~

I felt kinda bad that I left Double alone pretty much.

Hopefully he's not mad once I meet him again.

A countdown was heard, about 40 seconds left.

I couldn't move, but I guess that be cheating for starting early if I could move.

Before I seem ready, a hologram shows up with my stats, startling me a bit.

It shows my stats and the countdown as well.

I see that there's no player list.

Maybe just to make it interesting as in, meet friends that you never knew they played this game.

The map was an abandoned hospital.

I felt like this is gonna be hard.

While it's just hallways and stuff, someone could be coming up or down anytime.

But it was informed that there's multiple floors, and the elevators don't work.

Dreadlox shows up, but in a ghost-like form.



"Are you spectating? You're a VIP?!"

"Correction: I'm one of the Admins." I could see through him.

I'm guessing Admins can be seen when spectating.

"Wait, Dreadlox, I thought people that spectates in the game itself can't be seen."

"They can't. I can decide who can see me and who can't. Basically, you're the only that can see me and hear me. I'm just a ghost to everyone else." That does explain it..

"Exactly, what do you have to do?"

"Well, for me, I can guide you."

"Guide me? So basically, you're telling me hints of where to go for weapons?"

"Eh. Yeah." He shrugs and just floats around.

Noticing, the countdown was done and I was allowed to move.

Dreadlox follows behind as I look around for weapons.

"Search for something grey, yet a nice type of silver and has a nice grip. Not 1, but 2."

I'm guessing he meant a knife.

It's hard enough that there is rooms that you have to look through.

And for something that's a nice type of silver is not common around here.

All I see are dull knives and scalpels.

The grips looks like it's gonna slip from my hands and the blades can't cut as good.

This wasn't good for me, I'm still searching with the possibility of someone popping out at me.

Dreadlox wasn't giving no more clues by now.

He did say this game is hard, so hand weapons might be hard to find as well.

"Find a room of life." Dreadlox finally blurts out.

My mind was still a bit confused with this map.

We couldn't go outside. A magical shield blocks all ways to get out of the hospital.

I finally saw something shining from a room.

I go towards it and see a sign of a baby.

Oh.. Room of life.. I see what he meant..

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