Chapter 10: Sebastian

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A/N: Hey guys, I am so sorry for my late upload. I was just really busy this two weeks and suffered from a huge writer's block. :/  I  was going to update yesterday but I slept in and it was my birthday so I didn't have time to upload. Well anyways, hope you enjoy! :)


                              Chapter Ten: Sebastian

    October, 2007

Standing in front of the elevator lobby, I wore my best three-piece suit—courtesy of Giorgio Armani—complete with a red, suffocating tie, and slick black shoes. I felt more uncomfortable than I looked. The elevator doors opened, and I stepped in, loosening my smothering tie. Damn how I hated the dress up games my family insisted my attendance.

I pressed my fingers against the "PH" button and waited silently for the elevators to open once again.

Adriana, or should I say Jane, turned out to be more complicated that I had thought. Something was completely off about her. She was so closed, I couldn't tell anything she was thinking or feeling. The mystery feature of her already complex personality drove me to the edge. The fact that I had such limited knowledge about her past didn't sit too well in my mind.

I wasn't used to being so…clueless.

Her panic attacks, something my father was deeply concerned about, were the only indication that something had indeed happened to her. What it was however, I didn't know. I had all but begged Varo to give me some information about her, but as he continued to profusely refuse, I gave up. Unless I was planning on permanently making her mine, he said he'd give me nothing.  Even her name, I only found out accidentally through my father.

So much for a godfather, I thought to myself bitterly. That man didn’t cut any slack even for family.

The sound of the elevator reaching to the top floor snapped me back from my thoughts. I walked to the door and unlocked it, revealing once again a deadly silent apartment.

"Adriana," I called out. I had no intention of looking for her. We were already late as it was.

When I heard no answer, I grew irritated by her brave disobedience.

"Jane!" There was no way she'd ignore me now. I could still remember her cold, monotone voice when she warned me about using her real name.

Still, there was no answer. The silence indicated that something was wrong. Very, very wrong.

I took off my shoes hastily and walked toward the direction of the bedroom that I learned she detested.  The door was open and I noticed her bags in the middle of the floor, all packed and ready to go. Confusion filled of me as I stepped into the empty only to stop dead in my tracks at the sight of red liquid pooling underneath the bathroom floor.

I felt my face pale as realization dawned to me at the deadly familiar scene.

No, not again.

Quickly, as if my legs had no connection to my body, I ran and shoved the door to open, careful with all the blood underneath my feet. Standing before me, Jane's deathly body lay on the ground, soaking in its own blood.

I grew lightheaded as I started at her, panic swelling inside me.  I was used to killing, I was used to blood and murder. Why did her pitiful figure cause shudders in my body? Shaking my head, I bent down to check her pulse, and found it almost non-existent.

With shaky hands, I pulled out my cell phone from my pocket and quickly dialed my father's number. Barely coherent, I tried to explain the scene in front of me.

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