ch42 a call for action

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In the outskirts of luminose city Jenna and her sister lily make their way to find David and his pokemon but she was having a tad bit of difficulty doing so. Despite being able to drive an armored vehicle to assist with the search she had no luck. He was absolutely nowhere to be found.

Lily; where on earth is that kid, we've already been informed that he'd been training these last two weeks theres no way he'd just get up and leave?

Jenna shrugged and continued to look around in the car, looking down streets as she drove the car. Without much luck she turned down another road towards the outskirts before lily leaned back in her seat and looked to the sky beyond the car window.

It was midday of the next day since the last chapter. the sun was high and the wind was calmly flowing. With pokemon and their trainers walking about the outskirts of luminose was very busy, construction workers and construction pokemon Luke throh, konkeldur and other large pokemon were helping in the construction of buildings and refugee camps.

Jenna softly narrowed her eyes at the sight before her. She huffs with a bit of evident disgust before looking back at the road ahead.

Jenna: damn these scarlet knights to the depths of hell, don't they feel any bit of remorse for the people they've displaxed?

Lily leaned forward with a saddened look as she spots several children walking on the sidewalk carrying the supplies of tent structures and food. Lily huffed lightly before patting the dash board.

Lily: here let's stop for a few minutes.

Being her sister jenna understood what Lily wanted to do and promptly pulled over before leaping out of the armored vehicle and began walking down the side of the road with one sole intent: helping the displaced.

Jenna: you're too easy to read sometimes.

Lily giggles a bit before replying to her.

Lily: runs in the family doesnt it. It was what we were taught.

The two turn a corner of a road before spotting a small alleyway filled with soup kitchens and ovens. Volunteer trainers and their pokemon helped operate them.

The sisters lightly frowned at the sight before them. Jenna was disgusted by the blatant lack of empathy of the knights while her sister was understandably upset and was eager for the mission to begin.

Jenna: this really does suck... at least were doing the right thing going into unova to save the rest of the surviving population. But what would the knights want with the entirety of unova.

Lily: I can name a few reasons but I think that's a decent reason.

Jenna looked to her sister to see her pointing in the distance down the road. Curious as to what she was referring too turned around to see what it was.

Down said road was a group of trainers and displaced civilians sitting around a boy and a kirlia playing a piano and ocarina. The ocarina the kirlia and the piano the boy.

The boy and kirlia were wearing a strange outfit that in all honesty confused the crap out of them. The two sisters deadpan before jenna spoke up addressing the confusion to her equally confused sister.

Jenna: wait isnt that David?.. what in the hell.... is he wearing? Why is he wearing samurai armor?

Lily: and a sword.... why does he and kirlia have a sword. More specifically a katana.

The two continued to state in a deadpan expression before walking towards the duo before getting close enough to hear the music they were playing together.

pokemon: War For LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora