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The battle between ash and David had come to an end with neither being the victor. Our heroes have gotten ready for bed apart from the two lovers whom were laying against a nearby tree watching the twinkling stars above. It was romantic but as time went by Kirlia slowly drifted off further and further into sleep.

David: ok, I think it's time we get ready for bed..

Kirlias eyes slowly open as she eyes her partner. She lightly smiles before closing them once more. David hums to himself as he raises the smol pokemon into his arms and into their shared tent.

Kirlia had a smile adorned onto her face as she leans closer into her lover, feeling the warmth of his body seeping into her own..

David pov

I had just entered the tent with a very sleepy kirlia in my arms. Her eyes softly opened and closed her breathing quiet yet distinct.

I lie down onto the tent floor before pulling kirlia closer to me. I smile as I place a small kiss to her head.

She lightly yawns before turning her face to look to me. Her gentle smile widens as she cuddled close to my chest.

Kirlia: k-kir l-lia (g-good n-night Darling)

My eyes started to flutter shut but not without saying a good night of my own.

"Good night Kirlia, sweet dreams."

I give a small kiss to her cheek just when sleep washed over me. The ever consuming process of darkness was quick and warm as sleep normally is.


3rd pov

David shot straight up from the ground with eyes red and puffy. Sweat dripped from his brow and down his cheeks. He looks around with a frantic expression observing his surroundings.

His breathing quickened and heartbeat races, memories of his past acted hastily to the present as tears formed and fell.

David: no. No please.... not again.

What he saw could bring anyone to tears, his home layed in ruins, bodies lie still and frozen with cuts, gashes and the occasional darkened wounds.

David rises to his feet as tears dripped from his eyes. His breathing labored as he takes a few steps forward hearing the sound of weakened fires and the occasional tremble of broken houses.

David: how could this have happened... why did it have to be this way.... we are a peaceful people, we..
We didnt deserve any of this.

He walks with weakened legs and tearful breathing. He looks to the fallen civilians and trainers along side their pokemon that once lived in harmony with them. Then just like that more painful memories washed over him.

The world he saw morphed into bight with the once weakened fires now an infernal hell, the people that once were dead now were alive running from hordes of mightyena and Houndooms.

David's eyes widen as he begins to tremble fear overtook his body's functions and forced him to run as fast as he could. All the while screams of the civilians called out in pain and fear...

David couldnt look back, not to the pained expression of his friends, to the trainers that once had smiles... now turned to.... nothing

David: Stop!!! PLEASE, I CAN'T TAKE IT!!!

The young boy grabs his head and tried to shake himself awake but to no avail. Only the process of more fear and confusion lead into twighlight.

???: RuN LiTtLe bOy

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