
18 0 0

Note: long and battle heavy chapter ahead, hope you enjoy.

Night has fallen in unova and the newly introduced region of Provincia, David and our heroes lie in the far distance watching the battle rage on safely. Large fires burn from fallen wreckages as many other airships from both sides exchange devastating broadsides.

David: I wasn't aware the knights had airships...

Kirlia agreed with her trainer as numerous airship turrets light up the sky with muzzle flashes, the booms of their guns follow soon after.

Kirlia: I know David... I'm a little worried where they got it from.

Several steps crunched leaves behind David and kirlia, making the two turn around. Jenna was there walking over towards them.

Jenna: they undoubtedly stole the work from seung kim and deuk cha when we were escaping.

David: what do you mean?

Jenna hums a bit and pointed to two airships exchanging a broadside. More importantly the scarlet knights airship.

Jenna: does that ship look familiar to you?

David's eyes widen and his jaw lowered when he recognized the airship they were using.

David: isn't that... the airship we used to infiltrate unova for our mission?

Reference: Dragon assault ship from avatar.

Jenna nodded yes, she takes a seat beside David before lightly petting kirlia. Her stern expression softened before she spoke again.

Jenna: it is. It would seem like they have the blueprints for those airships and their munitions.

David: but how would they have them?

Jenna fell into a deep thought before hesitantly saying a quote.

Jenna: to the victor.... goes the spoils. Meaning since we crashed and drove all of us out during the infiltration the knights must've found seung Kim's hideout and read the texts that were there. One of them evidently was the airship.

David sighs again, Kirlia in response nuzzled into David's neck making him chuckle.

David: I understand.

Jenna: good, I'm going to be taking first watch why don't you get some rest.

David and kirlia shook their heads no politely.

David: were ok, we can stay up for a little longer.

Jenna smiles and remained seated beside him. They watched the distant battle rage on, watching the muzzle flashes from their vantage point.

David's eyes narrow at the entrenched soldiers in the distance as the knights mightyena, houndoom and infantry continue to exchange casualties.

Jenna: you ok?

David: I'm a little intimidated, I've never seen guns be used in bulk like this.

Jenna hums sympathetically before giving him a one arm hug.

Jenna: that's because you've never seen war like we have.

David and kirlia look at jenna curiously. Almost sensing the question the two had Jenna answers softly.

Jenna: for 500 years we've had firearms, our first few skirmishes were with them, but as time continues we were forced to use pokemon as munitions ran low. Then as of recently we returned back to munitions.

David stayed silent and only listened, he looked down to the firearm on the ground before him before a ominous thought entered his mind.

David: heh.... it almost sounds... you guys come from another world or something....

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