ch48 arrowhead battle

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After 4 hours I woke up. Everyone was either resting or looking around, there was a small ground fire in the center of us along with some basculin being cooked.

My eyes flutter open and closed as my body slowly awoke from its nap. I turned my head to the sky to see the sun just past noon. I rubbed my eyes before hearing the gentle sounds of purring on my lap. I look down to see two pokemon resting peacefully.

"Hmm? Kirlia? Turtwig? What are you two doing?"

Hearing my voice turtwig and kirlia stirr lightly and their eyes open. Kirlia yawns and sits up whilst rubbing her eyes.

Kirlia: you fell asleep as did we. So we figured we would join you. Turtwig was training with galvantula for a while before joining us.

I look to see turtwigs eyes fluttering open a bit. I chuckle softly and pet just beneath his cheek, he let's out a purr before finally fully awakening.

Jenna: hey David, good to see you awake.

"Oh hey jenna, what's happened so far?"

She walks over and takes a seat next to me before leaning back and resting her head against the tree log.

Jenna: so far we've established a camp that we will use to fall back to incase we ever get into battle. Lily, alder and gary have gone and set up a radio station after salvaging what little they could from the airship.

"Oh... were they able to salvage anything of use?"

She nodded her head before crossing her arms, she humms lightly giving her answer.

Jenna: yeah, although lily got an earful from Gary and Anita we were able to send a message to kalos to send in an evac, and chances are we have 2 days to complete the mission.

Hearing that our time had essentially been cut in half my heart rate spiked slightly which caught kirlia's attention.

Jenna: so... for now the priorities are we are to move out as soon as possible
Which is approximately 20 minutes.

I nodded my head, understanding the situation we were in. But there was also a sense of uncertainty in her voice that was somewhat hidden. It was her voice that waved a tad. I didn't say anything about it but I could sense it was from the intensity of the mission we were on.

"Ok, our goal is straighton city correct? What are we to expect during our journey there?"

She shrugged before giving her honest answer.

Jenna: after you're battle on top of the airship with that mystery person we had concluded it was a member of the knights. Commander or higher.

"Hmmm.. yeah, I didn't stand a chance at all, it was very strange. The knight had a very creepy pokemon."

Her eyes narrowed and allowed me to continue my story.

"The pokemons name was reveneon, it appeared to be a ghost type eevee evolution. It had the ability to dematerialize in a toxic gas and unleash devastating ghost and poison type moves. But in all honesty that's not the scariest part of it."

She listened intently and was quick to notice my hesitation of the story. She leaned over and placed a hand onto my shoulder giving me some reassurance.

"I could sense as well as kirlia, that the pokemon didn't have a distinguishable aura or emotion... almost like it was dead in some way, or that it's soul was.... corrupted or something... it was a bit scary in that regard."

Jenna: that does sound a bit scary....

I nodded my head in agreement. Jenna looked at kirlia before softening her expression. She hums and began to pet kirlia's psychokinetic horns on her head making the fairy type purr softly.

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