Chap 23. The Evil League of Mutants P1

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In a greenhouse sort of thing, you, and your brothers all got smacked into the center.

Raph:"okay so that did not go as planned..."

Donnie:"maybe not the result you wanted, but the result I expected. Ow."

[Name]:"if you don't shut up I'll smack you harder than them."

Some creatures stalked you guys as raph talked.

Raph:"We are getting our butts kicked on a everything level."

Donnie:"We gotta do something to help. They are scaring everyone out of the bio-dome and you know what a fan I am of experimental learning."

Mikey was sat on the ground and you were sprawled out next to him.

Raph:"c'mon raph. Think of something useful!"

Leo:"I'm sorry did you just say that out loud."

You stop a stopwatch.

[Name]:"wow that was almost two minutes without a smart ass comment. Congrats Leo!! A new high score."

Mikey sniffed the air.

Mikey:"do you smell that?"

Two crab mutants pop up and attack.


Mikey:"more like crab- WHOA!"

He dodged the attack.

"Ho-ho-ho-ho! Step one of our plan: disrupt a school filed trip. "

"Step two: Strike a pose!"

And they did, strike a pose.

"Ha! We are nailing this introduction!"

They continued to strick poses.

"Come here my little turtle. Let me pinch your cheeks."

Mikey:"How DARE you take something as sweet as cheek pinching and make it menacing?"

"Taste. My. Claw." He shot his claw out like a gun.

[Name]:"yeah no thanks.."

Leo laughed and created a portal which all the claws popped into.

Leo laughed but then accidentally made another portal in the same spot...and hit himself with the claws.


Leo, being brutally beat up gave a thumbs up.

Mikey quickly jumped in to attack the crab mutants swinging his fiery weapon... Which of course backfired and tied him up.


He turned to face the villains, jumping after them. He slammed his weapons together and caused them to well... Create mega raph.

Raph:"Cracking like a BOSS!"

The vine underneath him snapped.


He turned and glared at the crab-men.

"Get ready to get 'claw-berd'! HAHAH!"

[Name]:"ew even Leo can make better puns than that.."


Donnie tried to attack but his weapon was out of battery.. so he faked his death while dramatic beeping went on.

You blinked awkwardly, looking down at your injured brothers.

"It's 5 against 2 and you don't stand a chan-" the disappeared into a purple portal.

~Asleep~ ROTTMNT x Younger human brother readerWhere stories live. Discover now