Chap 15. The gumbus

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"Hello? Is someone there?"

You and Mikey were in a pillow fort. Mikey really wanted to watch whatever this is and you joined him. Why? Well boredom, and brother bonding. Plus he really wanted someone to watch it with him but no one else wanted to and he pulled the 'i'm older you have to do what I say!' which your other brothers would usually help you out and disagree but nah. This way you're both outta the way. (In a playful way)


Mikey screamed and pulled you under the covers. (sorry if this doesn't suit you) You didn't really care about the 'scary' stuff. Horror movies are so much fun! Mikey practically was choking you with the hug but honestly, it was a nice hug.

The tablet fell away from Mikey and you struggled to get outta his grip. April and Leo watched. The tablet bounced over to Leo and he picked it up.

Leo:"Uh what'cha watching, Miguel?"

Mikey popped up from the fort and you flipped into a pillow trying to breathe.

Mikey:"Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh!: I was just watching my favorite can-stacking channel!"

April:"can stacking, okay."


Leo and April looked concerned while Mikey ignored you.

Mikey:"It's a thing! There's this one supermarket stock boy: He builds forts, towers, national monuments!"

You stood up and joined the group.

[Name]:"I'm more of a [insert YouTuber] type-a guy." (Who's your favorite YouTuber? I like kwite and Danny Gonzalez)

Leo:"Yeah, I see his channel has a like."

Mikey:"I would've liked it twice if I could. Anyway he's at the store after hours, and, you gotta see it!"

He clicked the video and a nine year old popped up.

"And now, I shall complete the most difficult stack of all, only completed by one stock boy: The lady liberty stack!" There was a loud bang. "Hello? Is someone there?" He flipped the camera around and a can scattered across the room. There was chain noise and the kid screamed before the camera glitched and there was a split second of a ghost showing. His flashlight fell to the ground and he wanted crawling forward. "ITS THE GUMBUS" He screamed while being dragged away. Then his outro played. "Be sure to subscribe and donate!"

[Name]:"total arg."

April:"Whoa! What's a gumbus?"

Mikey:"It's a ghost that haunts the stock-and-shop!"

Mikey hugged April and you and Leo looked bored.

Leo:"Oh pfft. There's gotta be a simple answer. Earthquake, magnets, giant prankster mice. There's no such thing as ghosts."

[Name]:"It's definitely faked. It's so edited. Not that it's bad editing but I've seen better."

Mikey:"What! How can you say there's no such thing as ghosts when there's such a thing as us?"

[Name]:"paranormal and mutation are very different. Not that ghosts aren't real I just don't know for sure yet. The kid is making a total arg tho."


April:"Only one way to settle this heated debate: we head up to the stock-and-shop and tamper with this mysterious forces of the underworld."

She did a evil laugh to which you kinda smiled at. Leo was thinking about it and Mikey was scared.

~Asleep~ ROTTMNT x Younger human brother readerWhere stories live. Discover now