Narrator's pov:
Ara watched as her brother Xor walked away, sitting down by a brown-eyed boy with a green streak in his Brown hair, and a dirty blonde, cod-hybrid boy with blue eyes and slime on his head and shoulder.

She was wondering, what the heck does she do now. She doesn't know anyone here, almost, and even if she sat down somwhere, they would probably make her move. Then she heard something.

"Ara! Over here!"

The voice sounded familiar, Ara looked in the direction of the sound, only to see a familiar pink haired, blue axelotl hybrid waving at her.

She was accompanied by a short, black haired girl with black eyes, fairy wings on her back and wearing a white blouse and a long, purple skirt, and an EVEN shorter brown haired girl with yellow eyes, a green shirt and a mushroom-hat on her head.

Hesitantly, Ara made her way over to the girls, who made her sit down with them.

"Sooooo, hows life girlie?" The brunette asked her, looking up with shining, yellow eyes.

"Uhh, good I guess?" Ara answered in confusion.

"Shrub, don't harass her with questions on her first day. Your gonna scare her away, like you've done with everyone else!" The fairy said, and then she turned to Ara.

"Sorry about that, she gets overexcited sometimes"

"No, no, it's fine really. I'm used to it" Ara smiled.

"What's your name?"

"Oh, it's...."She got cut off by the bus-driver calling that its their stop.

After they got off and walked the rest of the way to school, the other girls helped her find her locker (which was right next to theirs) and helped her find her class, which was the same for her and the pink haired girl.

"Well here we are. We'll talk to you guys later, bye!" The blackette said excitedly and then they waved goodbye.

When class started, Ara relized that this was going to be a long, LONG day.

Welp, thats all my mental block can give yall, so bye!

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