Chapter 15

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Ines's POV

Kylian had just left me, I don't know where he went and I didn't care. Honestly I felt bad making him feel like he's crazy thinking Neymar and I have something but what else was I gonna do? Tell him the truth, that I could barely admit myself? No, I was just gonna deny it until, it actually works and I forget about him.

Now what was I gonna tell Neymar and Bruna. Kylian had just left without saying bye. I didn't want it to be suspicious so I just texted them and lied.

"Hey Bruna, Kylian didn't feel well so we left. Sorry, have fun!" I texted.

"Oh ok, we hope he feels better!" She replied.

It was about 7pm at this point and I was too exhausted to do anything else but sit on my couch all night. I would stayed at my house tonight but I needed to talk to Kylian so I decided to go to his house and wait until he got home.
Kylian's POV

It had been a while since I didn't visit Penelope but I really needed to change my mind. So I drove to her house. I knew it was wrong but I knocked on that door anyway.

"Hey Kylian, it's been a while." Penelope said surprised.

"Y'a I know I just to change my mind." I replied.

"So I guess you saying that you'd never come back because you found yourself a girl didn't work out huh?" She said jumping on her bed.

"We just got into a fight, look I didn't come here to talk about her ok?" I said frustrated.

"Ok then let's get started." She smirked.

When I sat down on the bed she hopped on top of me and started kissing me. I lifted her shirt revealing her naked body, then she ran her hands down my body and pulled down my pants. I kissed every inch of her body. And you can all imagine what happened next.

"I missed this." She said panting.

"Yeah well, this was the last time." I said starting to get dressed.

"Oh please Kylian I know the second you get into another argument with your little girlfriend, you'll come running back to me, like you always do." She said smirking.

"Y'a well this time it's different, I think I love her." I said which surprised me that it came out of my mouth.

"Then why are you here?" She asked.

"Oh god you're right, I fucked up, I always fuck shit up." I said with my hands on my face.

"Kylian just don't come back here and if you try to again, I won't let you." She replied pushing me out the door.
Ines's POV

At this point it was about 11pm and I was slowly falling asleep on the couch.
But then I hear Kylian get home.

"Hey where were you?" I said yawning and lifting my head from the couch to see him.

"Omg! Ines you scared me!" He said startled.

"Were you here the whole night?" He asked.

"Yeah I was waiting for you to come home, I think we need to talk." I replied.

"Y'a well this isn't a good time, I'm tired." He snapped.

"Why are getting angry with me?" I said.

"Because I'm tired." He replied.

"Ok that's fine we'll talk about it tomorrow." I said hugging him.

"Let's go to bed." He smiled.

"Ok." I responded as he kissed me.

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