Chapter 5

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Ines's POV

"So where are you from?" I asked.

"Brazil, but I think you can kinda guess with the accent." He said.

"Kinda I just wanted to make sure." I replied.

"So do you have a girlfriend?" I asked.

"No but I just got out of a 3 year relationship." He said.

"Oh I'm sorry." I said.

"Oh it's fine it was because of long distance. Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked .

"No actually I've never been in a relationship." I replied.

"Wait what how?" He said with his mouth full.

"I don't really believe in love, I've never been a relationship kinda girl. I just have sex and make out with everyone." I replied.

"Damm girl who hurt you?" He asked.

"No one, maybe I don't believe in love cause of my parents they never loved each other and always fought. But also couples never last some last longer than others but they all eventually end." I said.

"I'm sorry Ines that must have been rough on you as a kid. It's sad that you think this way about love. Yes maybe couples always eventually end but during the period they we're together they loved each other even if it ends for various reasons." He said.

"I get your point but I've never experienced it myself, I haven't found my person yet I guess." I replied.

"Give it time Ines, love isn't a rush. I've been in love before but I haven't found my person yet either." He said with such kindness.

"Ok lover boy." I said laughing.

"At least I'm not a fuck girl." He said laughing.

"Oh please you're a footballer." I replied.

After a while we finished eating and I saw it was 3 am.

"I think I should maybe go home." I said.

"Ok gimme your address and while you're at it give me your number ." Neymar said.

Arriving home and finally taking off my heels felt amazing. I was so tired I wanted to go to bed but before I took a shower. Whilst being in the shower I was in my deep thoughts. Neymar was so sweet and funny, I felt comfortable around him. I feel like I was softening up to him. And Kylian was so passionate and fiery. I could rip his clothes off. But I don't really know him, to be honest I know nothing about him.

After getting out of the shower I went to bed next to Ali who was already sleeping.

I woke up to Ali on her phone next to me.

"Soooo where were you?" She asked.

"I was with Neymar, we went to go get McDonald's." I replied.

"No way, so you're telling me that you made out with Kylian and spent the majority of the night with Neymar?" She said.

"Y'a pretty much and also I kinda rubbed my butt on Neymar's dick while dancing." I said.

"What! Girl you be having to much fun!" She said.

"I only have one life." I said laughing.

"Y'a and you're not wasting any time." She said laughing.

After eating breakfast, my dad called me.

"Hey umm did you forget psg has a game at 7?" He asked.

"Kinda but I'll be there." I responded.

"Ok good and you can bring Ali if you want." He said.

"Ok bye." I said hanging up.

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